Passage 1
Passage 2
Munich Security Conference
Although PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) is declared, with 99% of cases in China, this is still very much an emergency for that country. Because in the rest of the world we only have 505 cases and in China we have more than 66,000 cases. Let me be clear: it is impossible to predict which direction this epidemic will take. What I can tell you is what encourages us, and what concerns us.
We are encouraged that the steps China has taken to contain the outbreak at its source appear to have bought the world time, even though those steps have come at greater cost to China itself. But it’s slowing the spread to the rest of the world. We’re encouraged that outside China, we have not yet seen widespread community transmission. We’re encouraged that the global research community has come together to identify and accelerate the most urgent research needs for diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. We’re encouraged that we have been able to ship diagnostic kits, as well as supplies of masks, gloves, gowns and other personal protective equipment to some of the countries that need it most. We’re encouraged that an international team of experts is now on the ground in China, working closely with their Chinese counterparts to understand the outbreak, and to inform the next steps in the global response.
But we also have concerns. We’re concerned by the continued increase in the number of cases in China. We’re concerned by reports from China yesterday of the number of health workers who have been infected or have died. We’re concerned by the lack of urgency in funding the response from the international community. We’re concerned about the severe disruption in the market for personal protective equipment, which is putting front line health workers and carers at risk. We’re concerned about the levels of rumours and misinformation that are hampering the response. And most of all, we’re concerned about the potential havoc this virus could wreak in countries with weaker health systems.
The outbreaks of Ebola and COVID-19 underscore once again the vital importance for all countries to invest in preparedness and not panic. Two years ago, WHO and the World Bank founded the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, an independent body to assess the state of the world’s readiness for a pandemic. My sister Gro Bruntland, the co-chair of the Board, is actually here. Last year the board published its first report, which concluded the world remains badly prepared. For too long, the world has operated on a cycle of panic and neglect. We throw money at an outbreak, and when it’s over, we forget about it and do nothing to prevent the next one. The world spends billions of dollars preparing for a terrorist attack, but relatively little preparing for the attack of a virus, which could be far more deadly and far more damaging economically, politically and socially. This is frankly difficult to understand, and dangerously short-sighted.
Today, I have three requests for the international community. First, we must use the window of opportunity we have to intensify our preparedness. China has bought the world time. We don’t know how much time. All countries must be prepared for the arrival of cases, to treat patients with dignity and compassion, to prevent onward transmission, and to protect health workers. WHO is working with manufacturers and distributors of personal protective equipment to ensure a reliable supply of the tools health workers need to do their job safely and effectively. But we’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous. That’s why we’re also working with search and media companies like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Tencent, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and others to counter the spread of rumours and misinformation. We call on all governments, companies and news organizations to work with us to sound the appropriate level of alarm, without fanning the flames of hysteria.
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