On the other hand,it is easy to consume more than the 2,000 mg a day that the IOM considers the safe upper limit for adults.'A number of health-care providers say,'Oh,the requirement is 1,200 mg daily,so take 1,200 mg in supplements,'regardless of what the patient is consuming in food,'says Dr.Dawson-Hughes.'If you have a bowl of Total in the morning and a yogurt and a glass of milk for lunch,you can get to 2,000 mg easily.'Multivitamins also contain calcium in widely varying amounts.Chewable chocolate,caramel and gummy-bear varieties have made calcium supplements as appealing as candy.
In general,any vitamins or minerals the body can't absorb are simply excreted.But studies linking calcium supplements to heart attack and kidney stones have made experts more wary of excess calcium than before.
In a 2006 report from the Women's Health Initiative,a large government study,women who took 1,000 mg of calcium daily had 17%more kidney stones than those who got a placebo.But subjects were allowed to eat their usual diet,and take calcium supplements on their own,no matter what group they were in,so their total calcium intake was unknown.
大型政府研究项目“妇女健康倡议”(Women's Health Initiative)2006年的一份报告显示,每日服用1,000毫克钙补充剂的女性患肾结石的风险比服用安慰剂的女性高17%。不过在此项研究中,两个组别的实验对象都被允许按照她们的日常饮食习惯来吃东西,钙补充剂也是自行服用,因此她们摄入的钙的总量是未知的。
In the 12-year Nurses'Health Study of 90,000 women,those who consumed a high level of calcium in food had fewer kidney stones than those who consumed less.
为期12年的“护士健康研究”(Nurses'Health Study)对九万名女性进行了研究,研究发现,从饮食中摄取大量钙的女性患肾结石的风险要低于钙摄入量较少的女性。
Studies linking calcium intake and heart-attack risk are similarly confusing.A study of 24,000 Germans published in the journal Heart last month,found that those who consumed about 820 mg of calcium a day had a 31%lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed much less.But those who got their calcium exclusively from supplements were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack as those who took no supplements.
In 2010,researchers in New Zealand analyzed 11 clinical trials involving 12,000 people,and found that those taking calcium supplements had a 30%higher risk of heart attack than those who didn't.However,the studies didn't include people taking vitamin D,which some researchers believe is protective for the heart.
Osteoporosis experts also urge patients not to take more than the recommended amount of calcium.'Women should definitely stop taking two big calcium supplements a day,'says Dr.Dawson-Hughes.Even if the risks remain unclear,taking more than the body can absorb doesn't benefit bones,'so it's not worth any risk--real,imaginary,uncertain,possible or probably,'she adds.
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