While many people aren't getting enough calcium,new research cautions that some people may have the opposite problem:They could be getting too much.
Americans spend more than$1 billion a year on calcium supplements in hopes of staving off osteoporosis,the brittle bone disease that cripples many elderly women and some men.
Yet recent studies link calcium supplements to a higher risk of heart attacks and kidney stones.Last month,the U.S.Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation against taking calcium and vitamin D,saying there wasn't enough evidence of benefit to justify the risk.
但近期的研究揭示,钙补充剂有可能导致心脏病和肾结石风险升高。美国预防医学工作组(U.S.Preventive Services Task Force)上月发布了一份建议书草案,不主张服用钙和维生素D补充剂,称并没有充足的证据显示这样做利大于弊。
For generations of Americans who grew up exhorted to drink their milk to maintain strong bones,the reports raised troubling questions:Is calcium not so important after all?Are the supplements unsafe?And how much is too much?
'It's gotten very confusing but it doesn't need to be,'says Ethel Siris,director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.
纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心(Columbia University Medical Center)托尼•斯塔比尔骨质疏松研究中心(Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center)主任说,“问题变得令人非常费解,但其实不至于如此。”
The links to heart attack and kidney stones involved calcium supplements,not calcium from food sources,Dr.Siris and other experts note.Many other studies have not found such health risks,so more research is needed to understand what levels,if any,might be hazardous.
Meanwhile,experts say they are still more concerned that too many Americans aren't getting enough calcium,since the body can't make it on its own.
'Unless you take in enough calcium,by mouth,every day,you have to keep borrowing it from your skeleton,so over your lifetime,you need to get enough,'says Dr.Siris.'If you have low bone mass,or are at risk for fractures,you want to minimize any need to take calcium from the skeleton.'
How much calcium people need varies by age and gender.Adults generally need 1,000 milligrams daily,rising to 1,200 mg for women over 50 and men over 70,according to guidelines issued in 2010 by the Institute of Medicine,an independent advisory group.Children need 1,300 mg daily during the peak growing years of 9 to 18.
人体需要的钙量依年龄和性别而有不同。根据独立顾问组织药学研究所(Institute of Medicine)2010年发布的指导原则,成年人一般需要每天摄入1,000毫克钙,50岁以上的女性和70岁以上的男性每天需要摄入的钙量会增加到1,200毫克。孩子在九到18岁的生长高峰期每天需要1,300毫克钙。
People also need sufficient levels of vitamin D to absorb the calcium.The IOM recommends 600 international units a day for most adults,and 800 daily after age 70,although many physicians recommend more.It is difficult to take in that much vitamin D from food sources,and prolonged sun exposure,the best source of vitamin D,can lead to skin cancer,so experts say many people should take vitamin D in supplement form.
Getting adequate calcium from food is easier.For example,8 ounces of milk or 6 ounces of yogurt has 300 mg of calcium,and one cup of spinach has 270 mg.But studies show on average,Americans get only about 750 mg of calcium from their diets.
Many of the more than 30 million Americans who are lactose intolerant don't get
'For people who can't or won't get more in their diet,it's better to fill that gap with supplements than to stay on the low side,'says Bess Dawson-Hughes,director of the Bone Metabolism Laboratory at the USDA Nutrition Center at Tufts University.
塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)美国农业部营养中心(USDA Nutrition Center)
骨骼新陈代谢实验室(Bone Metabolism Laboratory)主任说,“对无法或没能通过饮食摄取更多钙的人来说,用营养片剂来补钙比缺钙要好。”
Consuming too little calcium can contribute to osteoporosis,a thinning of the bones that causes more than 2 million fractures a year.Once osteoporosis sets in,taking extra calcium and vitamin D won't prevent fractures.But not getting enough of the nutrients can make bone loss worse.
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