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2009年11月翻译考试英语初级笔译实务真题及答案 _第2页

来源:考试网   2017-07-20【

  Section 1: 英译汉


  为钢琴家们举办的负有盛名的肖邦国际钢琴比赛在 2010 年十月将迎来其第 16 届赛事。这项每五年举办一届的赛事吸引了众多来自全球的年轻音乐家。此外,华沙肖邦博物馆将进行全面的重新设计,将更现代化、规模更大。该博物馆收藏有世界最全的肖邦作品集及其他文物。


  莫妮卡·斯特鲁盖拉说:“实际上,肖邦的盛名并不需要我们再去传扬,但我们希望通过传扬肖邦来提升波兰和波兰文化。”她在弗雷德里克·肖邦研究所的支持下负责协调肖邦2010 项目。该研究所由波兰国会于2001 年设立,旨在传 扬和维护肖邦的作品和形象。


  肖邦的母亲是波兰人,父亲则是法国移民,他出生于热拉佐瓦沃拉的庄园中,在华沙西约50公里(或30 英里),他在婴儿时就搬到了华沙。

  这所庄园在某种意义上可以说是肖邦的圣地——自20 世纪30 年代起它就成了一家博物馆和举办音乐会的中心。像华沙的肖邦博物馆一样,作为肖邦诞辰二百周年纪念的筹备活动,它也要扩大翻新。

  肖邦在华沙及其周边生活到20岁。还是小男孩的他就已成为著名的钢琴家,并在少年时期创作多部协奏曲及其他重要作品。1830 年在一次音乐会的行程中, 他离开华沙时把波兰的土带在了身边,仅仅几周后,爆发了十一月起义。这次波兰反抗沙皇俄国的起义以失败告终,当时沙俄正统治着大片的波兰国土。





  Section 2: 汉译英

  The international financial crisis has brought unprecedented difficulties and challenges to China. All these are mainly reflected in the following: the obviously increasing economic growth pressure, the persistent decline in import and export, the distinct slowing down of industrial production, some companies’ production operation is faced up with difficulties, as well as the enlarged employment difficulties. The international financial crisis runs across the critical period of transformation of China's development pattern, economic structural adjustment,which has combined new challenges with existing contradictions, making us more difficult to solve problems.

  In order to cope with the impact of the financial crisis and maintain fast and steady development of economic, China has adjusted the macroeconomic policies in time and implemented proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policies decidedly, which develop the package plan of further expanding domestic demand and promoting economic growth.

  The Chinese government has increased the government spending in large-scale, implemented a two-year investment plan that is a total of 4 trillion yuan, has made interest rate cut repeatedly and increased the banking system liquidity and carried out the industrial adjustment as well as revitalization plan in large-scale, has carried forward science and technology innovation and technological transformation vigorously, has strengthened energy conservation and ecological environment protection significantly, has adjusted national income distribution pattern continuously, has expanded the domestic market especially rural markets at full blast and raised the level of social security substantially. All the measures have obtained initial effects. The domestic consumption demand is quite vigorous, the investment demand increases steadily and the social situation remains stable.

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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