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来源:考试网   2016-05-07   【


  Part I Writing



  Choosing an OccupationOne of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do. There are some people, of course, who from the time are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)【全文翻译】

  我们会陷入水资源枯竭的困境吗?想象一只“幽灵船”沉入了沙土中,任其留在干旱的沙土中腐烂掉。再想象沙尘暴从干旱的海床上席卷起有毒的杀虫剂和化肥,呼啸着穿过城镇和村庄。看起来像关于世界末日的电影中的一个场景?对于居住在中亚咸海附近的居民而言,这一切都是真实的。30 年前,为了灌溉(提供水)农田,政府部门的规划专家们改道了引水入海的河流。结果,咸海缩小为原来的一半,船只也搁浅在干旱的沙土上。海水受到污染,其盐含量增到了三倍,导致24 种土生土长的鱼类灭绝。根据众多环保组织的调查,世界其他地方与此类似的大规模的改道努力也是以生态危机而告终的。尽管建造大坝和灌溉系统创造的问题要比它们解决的问题多,但是许多国家仍然继续这样的项目。为什么呢?世界许多地方的人都非常需要水;而且,随着人口的增长,下个世纪将有更多的人需要更多的水。来自于太平洋发展、环境和安全研究所(the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security)的环境科学家Peter H. Gleick 说,“不断增长的人口将会进一步恶化缺水问题”。该研究所是位于加利福尼亚的一个研究机构。他担心,到2025 年,在83 亿世界预计人口中,将有三分之一的人口面临缺水问题。水去了哪里?来自位于马塞诸塞州阿默斯特的全球水政策项目的Sandra Postel 主任认为,地球上只有2.5%的水是适合饮用和种植食物的淡水,其中的三分之一属于冰川和冰盖。事实上,只有极小比例的淡水是水循环的一部分。在水循环中,水蒸发后上升到大气中,然后凝结并以降水的形式(雨或雪)回落到地球上。一些降水流经陆地进入湖泊和海洋,另一些渗入地球变成地下水。大部分这样的再生淡水最后积聚在诸如巴西亚马逊河流域这样很少有人居住的偏远地方。事实上,世界人口能获得的淡水仅有12,500 立方千米——相当于Superior湖的湖水量,其一半已为人类所使用。Postel说,“如果水的需求量不断快速攀升,水资源将严重短缺,水环境将受到极大破坏。”问题就在家门口对于生活在像美国这样富裕国家的人来说,水危机似乎很遥远。但是美国人可能面临严重的缺水问题,尤其是那些依赖地下水的区域。地下水储存于地下含水层和位于泥土和岩床之间的沙石层中。(地球上的地表水与地下水的水量之比大约为1∶90。) 虽然美国富有含水层,农民、农场主和城市居民的用水速度超过了自然界水资源的再生速度。例如,根据Postel的调查,在西北部的得克萨斯州,超量的抽取使得地下水供应减少了25%。美国人可能会面临更紧迫的污染问题。在美国,饮用水普遍安全,符合高标准要求。不过,据环境保护署的调查,每天有五分之一的美国人在不知不觉中饮用受到细菌和化学废物污染的自来水。1993 年,密尔沃基有40 万人因饮用受到隐孢子虫污染的自来水而患病。隐孢子虫是一种可引起高烧、腹泻和呕吐的微生物。污染源这些污染物从何而来呢?在发展中国家,人们把污水倒入他们从中获取饮用和烹饪水的同一小溪和河流中,每年大约有250 万人感染水传播疾病。在发达国家,制造商使用100,000 种化合物来制造更多种类的产品。未经处理就被释放入河流和湖泊中的化学物质使水受到污染。(某些化合物,如多氯联苯,即PCBs,在美国已被禁用。)但是,水污染几乎与每个人都有关。人们常常将清洁用品、汽车防冻剂、油漆稀释剂倒入下水道中,而所有这些用品都含有有害的化学物质。1996 年,科学家们对旧金山海湾的水进行了研究,他们说,百分之七十的污染物可以追溯到家居废物。除草剂和杀虫剂既可以杀死杂草和昆虫,也会污染水源,因此农民们一直因过量使用除草剂和杀虫剂而备受批评。农民们还使用可以促进植物生长的硝酸盐和富含氮的化肥,但是它们也会严重破坏环境。硝酸盐类物质会被地表径流冲刷入湖泊和海洋之中。过多的硝酸盐使得水域“超级富有”,从而造成水藻或水面微小植物的大量繁殖。藻类剥夺了鱼生存所必需的氧气,有时候会令整个水域中的生命窒息而亡。解决的方法是什么呢?水资源专家Gleick 提倡保护水资源,通过因地制宜的方法来解决与水相关的问题。例如,政府最好建筑小规模的水坝,而不是像毁掉咸海那样具有破坏性的大水坝。“全世界有超过10 亿的人口缺乏基本的清洁饮用水,”Gleick 说,“每个人——政府人员和普通人——都要付诸努力,确保我们有一个最基本的生活源泉。”


  1.【解析】[A]属细节推断题。根据题干的意思,是什么原因造成咸海海水量的减少呢?本文的第二段提到了咸海的具体情况。所以根据题干中的核心词“Aral Sea”,并结合第二段的具体内容,可以将答案定位在该段的第二、三句话“...government planners diverted the rivers that flow into the sea in order to irrigate(provide water for)farmland. As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size,...”,这与A“The rivers flowing into it have been diverted”表示的“流入其的河流被改道”的意思相吻合。所以正确答案是A 项。答案B 和C 均属于断章取义,偷换了句子中的部分内容,是迷惑项。答案D 的内容按照常理来说,具有一定正确性,但文章并未提及,也是干扰项。

  2.【解析】[C]属同义转换题。题干要求回答有关大坝建设和灌溉工程的情况,其中的“massive dams and irrigation”是核心词,定位于文章第三段。该段中的第二句话“...many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix”。这与C 项意思“坏处多于好处”一致。所以正确答案是C。答案A 和B 的意思与原文相反;答案D 在文中未提及,属于故意干扰项。

  3.【解析】[D]属段落大意理解题。对于此类主旨大意题,可以先看题支中各个选项的区别和联系,然后结合自己对文章的理解来予以选择或者排除。本题要求回答缺水的主要原因是什么。对比四个选项,其中共有四种情况的不同组合:人口增长、水资源污染、水资源浪费和气候干燥。其中的“人口增长”在第三段结尾和第四段开头“Growing population will worsen problems with water”中提到过,属于缺水的主要原因之一;“水资源污染”在小标题“the source”下面分别从发展中国家、发达国家、个人和农民的角度作出重要说明,也是造成缺水的主要原因之一;“水资源浪费和气候干燥”在文中均未提及,所以正确答案是D。

  4.【解析】[C]属同义转换题。根据题干中关键词“Americans”,可以定位在小标题“Close to home”下第一段的第二句话,“Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater”,表明美国人,特别是依赖地下水的居民可能面临缺水问题,这与答案C 的“depending on groundwater”意思一致,属于同义转换,所以答案选C。答案A、B、D 都是文章中与题干内容相关的某句话的断章取义,属于干扰项。

  5.【解析】[A]属细节推断题。根据题干中的关键词“pollutant”,可以将答案定位在小标题“The sources”之下,再根据“in developed countries”,可以定位于第二段前两句“In developed countries, ... Toxic chemicals pollute water when released untreated into rivers and lakes”。这与A“untreated toxic chemicals from manufacturers”完全吻合,所以答案是A。B 是发展中国家水污染的主要来源,C 和D 分别说明的是农民和个人对水资源造成的污染,属于干扰项。

  6.【解析】[B]属细节推断题。题干中的algae 是关键词,将答案直接定位于小标题“The source”之下最后一段的最后一句,“Algae deprive the water of oxygen that fish need to survive, at times choking off life in an entire body of water”,这与B“与水域中的生物竞争氧气”相吻合,所以答案选B 项。答案A 是对文中部分内容的改写,与答案无关;C 和D 在文中均未提及。7.【解析】[D]属细节推断题。题干中的“Gleick”和“solving water-related problems”是关键词,将答案定位在小标题“What’s the solution”之下最后一段的最后一句,“...says Gleick. ‘There has to be a strong push on the part of everyone—governments and ordinary people—to make sure we have a resource so fundamental to life’”,这与D“government and every person”意思一致,所以答案选D 项。其他选项意思与文章不符。

  8.【解析】one third 解题依据为第四段最后一句话:He fears that by the year 2025, as many as one third of the world’s projected 8.3 billion people will suffer from water shortages.9.【解析】glaciers and ice caps 解题依据为第五段第二句话:Two-thirds of this freshwater is locked in glaciers and ice caps.

  10.【解析】water pollution 解题依据为第十段第二句话:Toxic chemicals pollute water when released untreated into rivers and lakes.

  Part III Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11.W∶ I just saw an ad. on television that said men’s suits were on sales today and tomorrow at Conrad’s Men’s Wear.

  M∶Great! That’s just what I’ve been waiting for.

  Q∶What will the man probably do?

  【解析】[D]男士说男士套装的特价销售正是他一直等待着的。所以从他的态度可判断,他要去买件男装。12.W:Is John really ill?

  M:It’s hard to say. I doubt there’s anything wrong with him physically.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  【解析】[A]从男士的话“我怀疑约翰的身体没有任何问题”中可看出答案。13.M:Do you know if the book shop is still open?

  W:Yes, it’s open till six.

  Q:When do you think this conversation took place?

  【解析】[A]女士说书店现在还开着,一直开到六点呢,说明现在的时间是在六点之前。14.M:Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer?

  W:I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better.

  Q:Why does the woman like the brick house better than the white house?

  【解析】[C]女士明确指出 the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better。15. M:Honey, we’ll have a guest from Australia, a friend of mine. He’ll stay in California for two weeks.

  W:Yes. Your friend Andy. He was your classmate at London University, wasn’t he?

  Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  【解析】[C]男士称女士为 honey, 证明两人关系亲密,由此可判断两人关系为夫妻。16.M: When will the meeting begin?

  W:According to the schedule it should be at 9:30. It will last for an hour and a half.

  Q:When will the meeting be closed?

  【解析】[B]根据女士所说的话,根据时刻表会议9∶30 开始,持续一个半小时,那么即11:00 结束。17. W:If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. It will take you forever to go there.

  M:But flying makes me so nervous.

  Q: What does the man prefer to do?

  【解析】[C] 女士建议男士乘飞机,男士回答说飞行让他精神紧张,说明男士还是愿意乘坐公共汽车。18. W:I’ve been thinking about my cousin a lot today.

  M:Why not go over for a visit?

  Q:What does the man mean?

  【解析】[A]男士说的 Why not go over for a visit 即是在建议女士去看望她的堂兄。Now you’ll hear two long conversations.Conversation OneW:OK, last night you were supposed to read an article about human bones. Are there any comments about it?

  M:Well, to begin with, I was surprised to find out there was so much going on in bones. I always assumed they were pretty lifeless.

  W:Well, that’s an assumption many people make. But the fact is bones are made of dynamic living tissue that requires continuous maintenance and repair.

  M:Right. That’s one of the things I found so fascinating about the article the way the bones repair themselves.

  W:OK. So can you tell us how the bones repair themselves?

  M:Sure. See, there are two groups of different types of specialized cells in the bone that work together to do it. The first group goes to an area of the bone that needs repair. This group of cells produces the chemical that actually breaks down the bone tissue, and leaves a hole in it. After that the second group of specialized cells comes and produces the new tissue that fills in the hole that was made by the first group.

  W:Very good. This is a very complex process. In fact, the scientists who study human bones don’t completely understand it yet. They are still trying to find out how it all actually works. Specifically, because sometimes after the first group of cells leaves a hole in the bone tissue, for some reason, the second group doesn’t completely fill in the hole. And this can cause real problems. It can actually lead to a disease in which the bone becomes weak and is easily broken.

  M:OK, I get it. So if the scientists can figure out what makes the specialized cells work, maybe they can find a way to make sure the second group of cells completely fills the hole in the bone tissue every time. That’ll prevent the disease from ever occurring.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.What is the discussion mainly about?

  【解析】[C]对话一开始就谈论人类骨骼的问题,女士说 But the fact is bones are made of dynamic living tissue that requires continuous maintenance and repair. 后面的对话都是针对这个话题展开的讨论,可见整个对话讨论的话题是骨骼的自我修复能力。20.What is the function of the first group of specialized cells discussed in the talk?

  【解析】[C]男士解释了第一组细胞的作用,第一组细胞生成一种化学物质分解骨组织(This group of cells produces the chemical that actually breaks down the bone tissue...),由此可见答案是They break down bone tissue.21.What does the professor say about scientists who study the specialized cells in human bones?

  【解析】[B]女士说这种特殊细胞作用于人类骨骼的过程相当复杂,事实上,连研究人类骨骼的科学家都不能完全了解这个过程。从这一句中可以知道:In fact, the scientists who study human bones don’t completely understand it yet. 所以答案即是这些科学家也不完全知道这些细胞如何工作。22.According to the student, which is one important purpose of studying specialized cells in human bones?

  【解析】[A]学习这些人类骨骼中的特殊细胞的重要目的是为了学习如何预防骨头疾病。从男士的这一句话中可看出:That’ll prevent the disease from ever occurring. 这样可以在疾病发生之前预防疾病,可见[A]符合题意。Conversation Two

  M: Hi Diana, mind if I sit down?

  W: Not at all, Jerry. How have you been?

  M:Good. But I’m surprised to see you on the city bus. Your car in the shop?

  W:No. I’ve just been thinking a lot about the environment lately. So I decided the air will be a lot cleaner if we all use public transportation when we could.

  M:I’m sure you are right. The diesel bus isn’t exactly pollution free.

  W:True. They’ll be running a lot cleaner soon. We were just talking about that in my environmental engineering class.

  M:What could the city do? Install pollution filters in all their buses?

  W:They could, but those filters make the engines work harder and really cut down on the fuel efficiency. Instead they found a way to make their engines more efficient.

  M: How?

  W:Well, there is a material that’s a really good insulator. And a thin coat of it gets sprayed on the certain part of the engine.

  M: An insulator?

  W:Yeah. What it does is reflect back the heat of burning fuel. So the fuel will burn much hotter and burn up more completely.

  M:So a lot less unburned fuel comes out to pollute the air.

  W:And the bus will need less fuel. So with the saving on fuel cost, they say this will all pay for itself in just six months.

  M:Sounds like people should all go out and get some this stuff to spray their car engines.

  W:Well, it’s not really that easy. You see, normally, the materials are fine powder. To melt it so you can spray a coat of it on the engine parts, you first have to heat it over 10,000 degrees and then, well, you get the idea. It’s not something you or I will be able to do ourselves.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23.What is the conversation mainly about?

  【解析】[C]女士说为了环保应该多乘坐公共交通设备,因此之后的话题便围绕如何节能保护环境的问题展开。这段对话主要讨论的是公共汽车的节能问题,讨论了如何让公共汽车燃料更有效的利用,因此[C]符合题意。24.Why did the woman decide to ride the city bus?

  【解析】[B]对话开头部分就交代了此题答案,那位女士说她不开自己的车而乘坐公共汽车是为了降低环境污染。从她提到的So I decided the air will be a lot cleaner if we all use public transportation when we could 即可得知。25.What is the new material?

  【解析】[D]这种新的材料是在引擎部位喷洒的一种绝缘材料。从女士的话中there is a material that’s a really good insulator. And a thin coat of it gets sprayed on the certain part of the engine 即可得出。这种材料的用途是将燃料燃烧的热量反射回去,从而达到提高效率的结果。Section B

  Passage One

  A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good intelligence, physical fitness, and responsibility.At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger.The most important part of the training course is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work dogs. Only about a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. How long does the intensive course last?

  【解析】[A]文中明确提到an intensive course that lasts from three to five months,因此正确答案为 [A]。27.Which of the following is not a necessary skill guide dogs have to learn?

  【解析】[D]答案依据是The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey any command that might lead its owner into danger. 从这两句中可看出看家不属于导盲犬训练范围内的技能。28.How long does the most important training course last?

  【解析】[C]最重要的训练课程持续四周。文中明确指出了本题答案。The most important part of the training course is a four ? week program,从此句中即可看出。

  Passage Two

  People dream four to six times a night. They dream while they are in the REM stage of sleep, which means rapid eye movement stage in one’s sleep. Sleepers go into the REM stage about every 90 minutes. The first dream of the night may last about ten minutes. Each dream gets a little longer. The last dream of the night may be

  an hour long.People need their dreams. Younger children spend more time dreaming. Babies spend almost half of their sleep in the REM stage. One experiment showed that everyone needs to dream. Doctors gave some people sleeping pills. These sleeping pills didn’t let them go to REM sleep. After a few nights without dreams, they began to feel bad. They became angry easily, they worried a lot, and they wanted to fight with everyone. Then they stopped taking the sleeping pills. They all began to dream all night for a few nights to catch up.Why do people dream? Dreams give them time to find the answers to some of their problems. If they think they will have difficult problems the next day, they may spend more time on REM sleep the night before. In their dreams, they may find an answer to their problems.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.How often does a person dream each night?

  【解析】[B]文章一开始即交代了一个人一晚上要做梦四到六次。从第一句就可看出People dreams four to six times a night.因此,答案为 [B]。30.What is true according to this passage?

  【解析】[D]安眠药会阻止人们进入REM 睡眠状态。These sleeping pills didn’t let them go to REM sleep.可看出 [D]项正确。31.Why do people dream?

  【解析】[D]文中明确给出了答案Dreams give them time to find the answers to some of their problems.因为在梦中人可以找到自己的问题的答案。

  Passage Three

  O.K., everybody. Can we start the meeting now? I’m Jeff Milton, the chairperson of the Graduation Committee for this year. You ’ ve all been selected as representatives to plan the graduation ceremonies. I’m sending around the sheet of paper for you to fill in your name and telephone number. Also, please write down what part of the ceremonies you would like to work on. Remember, as a representative, you will have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. At our next meeting one week from today, we’ll start to discuss the details of the ceremonies.Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.Who is the speaker?

  【解析】[C]从文章开头说话者的自我介绍就可以知道他是这个委员会的主席。33.What is the purpose of the meeting?

  【解析】[D]在座的代表都是被选来计划毕业典礼的事。34.What should the students write on the paper?

  【解析】[A]在座的学生应该在表格上填写姓名、电话以及工作意向。35.When is the next meeting?

  【解析】[B]从这句话At our next meeting one week from today 可知下次会议在下周召开。

  Section C






  【解析】学生的能力和才智将在eleven ? plus 的升学考试里得到体现,从而决定其是否应留在学校继续学习,此空格即是能力ability 一词。

  39 【答案】aptitude

  【解析】此空格内容与前一空格内容相关联,学生的能力和才智将在升学考试中得到体现,aptitude 是才智、智能的意思.


  【解析】英国学生参加的首次考试 eleven ? plus 的结果将决定他们是否继续留校学习,因此此处空格填“决定”一词,而且又为过去分词,即为 determined。


  【解析】现在所有的学生都进入综合中学继续学习,comprehensive 意为“广泛的、综合的”。




  【解析】一般水平即是ordinary level。level 即为水平、水准之意。

  44.【答案】This examination covers a wide range of subjects.

  45.【答案】The final examination, at eighteen, covers only the content of the special subjects.

  46.【答案】In a real sense, the English boy or girl is a specialist from the age of fifteen.
