三、 改译题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
36. 原文: Chou arranged for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received.
37. 原文: Brindley’s improvements were practical.
38. 原文: The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert.
39. 原文: The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade.
40. 原文: India is a smuggler’s delight.
译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons.
改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
41. 原文: 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一种鞭策。
译文:People who had learned from us now excelled us. It was a real challenge.
42. 原文: 本公约须经签字国批准或接受。
译文:This convention should be bound by the ratification or acceptance by the signatory states.
43. 原文: 中国的海域有丰富的海水资源。
译文:China’s seas have rich seawater resources.
44. 原文: 她口角边渐渐地有了笑影,脸上也白胖了。
译文:Little by little smiling appeared at the corner of her mouth, while her face became white and fat.
45. 原文: 罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂。
译文: Rome was located on seven hills with big and small five hundred churches.