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来源:考试网 [ 2013年7月2日 ] 【大 中 小】



Steve wanted to ask Jenny to his school’s Spring Dance, but he imagined that she had plenty of dates and wouldn’t be interested  21  going with him anyway. When his friends  22  about his plans for the dance, Steve pretended to be  23  , but they urged him to consider going to the dance. Steve  24  decided that he would make the effort to ask Jenny, but felt sure that he would be turned  25 .

 26  the following afternoon, as Steve was delivering papers, he could see Jenny  27  on the front steps. She seemed to be waiting for someone. Steve grew more  28  as he approached her, pretending to be busy with his newspaper. By the time he managed to say hello, his courage had failed, and he had given up the idea of asking her to the dance.

 29  his surprise, Jenny suddenly struck up a conversation, and a few minutes later she asked him to the Spring Dance being held in her school. The turn of events was so startling to Steve  30 , for a few moments, he could only stare in total amazement.

21. A. in                       B. of                          C. for                           D. at

22. A. enquirer              B. inquired                  C. consulted                 D. concerned

23. A. indifferent           B. different                 C. interested                 D. agitated

24. A. firstly                 B. primarily                C. finally                      D. lastly

25. A. away                  B. off                         C. over                         D. down

26. A. In                      B. On                         C. At                            D. By

27. A. sitting                 B. sit                          C. to sit                        D. to be sitting

28. A. anxious              B. nervous                  C. eager                       D. passionate

29. A. For                    B. At                          C. To                           D. By

30. A. and                    B. that                        C. when                       D. where

