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来源:考试网 [ 2012年5月23日 ] 【大 中 小】


I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)               

1. In English, “sdylh” is not a possible word and “green made he” is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. (      )

A. arbitrary                                                   B. systematic  

C. symbolic                                                   D. vocal

2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming” is ________. (      )

A. 温室效应                                                 B. 温暖的房屋      

C. 乔迁喜宴                                                 D. 房屋供暖

3. The word in British English for “tire” is ________. (      )

A. wheel                                                       B. bore    

C. tyre                                                          D. tier

4. The English name “Camellia” is related to ________. (      )

A. Christianity                                               B. plant   

C. weapon                                                    D. knowledge

5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. (      )

A. Koala                                                        B. Cowboy     

C. Queen                                                      D. Hot dog

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