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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年9月22日 ]

  ! 21. A. talked B sang C. played D whispered

  22. A. quietly B peacefully C hopefully D normally

  23. A. arose B. raised C rose D aroused

  24. A situation B condition C place D position

  25. A took B sent C carried D rushed

  26. A The years B The months C The weeks D The days

  27. A fixed up B made up C built up D set up

  28. A until B before C after D when

  29. A asked B allowed C admitted D acquired

  30. A no matter B even if C whether D as if

  31. A put B dressed C wore D fit

  32. A marched B forced C hid D followed

  33. A required B replied C recognized D regarded

  34. A warm-hearted B well-managed

  C mild-mannered D cold-blooded

  35. A firm B strong C hard D tough

  36. A losing B lost C to lose D having lost

  37. A in B on C at D with

  38. A Finally B Instantly C Patiently D Interestingly

  39. A calm B quiet C slow D fast

  40. A put off B put away C put up D put down

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