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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2014年12月28日 ]

  七、 阅读理解

  PDAs are very useful. They are like small computers. You can put a lot of information into them. For example, you can put in telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Many people use PDAs to remember important dates. Some of these super machines can even send and receive e-mails.

  PDAs are small and convenient. A few years ago, they were expensive. Now, they are cheap. Many people use them at work and at school. People can carry PDAs in their shirt pockets.

  But, it’s important to be careful. These little machines are easy to lose. People put so much important information into their PDAs. It’s really terrible to lose them.

  1. What is the main idea of the article?

  A. PDAs are like small computers.

  B. PDAs are cheap.

  C. You can do many things with a PDA.

  D. Too many people use PDAs

  2. The article does not say a PDA can __________

  A. talk to you

  B. send e-mail

  C. remember information

  D. do some things like a computer

  3. What do we learn about PDAs?

  A. They are not very expensive now

  B. Students do not like to use them

  C. All of them can send and receive e-mails

  D. They are very large.

  4. What kind of person would not use a PDA?

  A. A business person

  B. Someone who hates computers.

  C. A student

  D. A person with a busy schedule.



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