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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2014年12月28日 ]


  1. Would you like __________ ( sing ) at the party?

  2. Sorry, I kept you ____________ ( wait ) for me so long.

  3. It was difficult for him ____________ ( give ) up smoking.

  4. My parents want me ____________ ( be ) a teacher.

  5. They will go fishing instead of ___________ ( swim ).

  6. They decided ___________ ( not tell ) him the bad news.

  7. They used to ____________ ( stay ) at home on Sundays.

  8. ________ your mother ___________ ( wash ) clothes yet?

  9. They __________ ( read ) books when the teacher came in.

  10. Computers ____________ ( sell ) almost everywhere.

  11. Thanks for _____________ (invite ) me.

  12. What about _____________ ( skate ) on the ice?

  13. What _____________ your mother __________ ( do ) every day?

  14. Kate _____________ ( not fly ) kites now.

  15. Keep quiet, please. They _____________ ( have ) a meeting.

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