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来源:华课网校   2016-09-19【

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  51.c 【解析】本文第二段中提到“…because all the astronauts have contracts with an American magazine under conditions forbidding any unauthorized disclosures about their private lives.”

  52.B【解析】本文第一句提到“Today TV audiences all over the world are accustomed to the sight of American astronauts in tip—top condition,with fair hair,crew-cuts,good teeth and…”.

  53.B 【解析】由本文倒数第一段中的“As for the astronauts’political leanings,they seem to be towards the right.”

  54.B【解析】talk shop意为“谈公事”。

  55.C 【解析】A、B、D在文中均提到,是正确的,而C不对,文中提到“You would expect them to find their friends from their professional associates,but this is not the case.Rather,they prefer to make friends with the normal folk in their districts.”

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  58.B【解析】根据第三段和第四段的论述,我们可以得知作者的总体看法,即特别的劳工防护法并没有保护妇女的权益,故B项正确。A项与作者的观点明显相悖,所以不正确。C项从文中不能推知,故不正确。文中没有提到男性工人的保护问题,故D项也不正确。59.A【解析】由第二段最后一句话可知A 项正确。B项不能从文中推知。C项文中没有提及。男性工人的健康在法律中是得到考虑了的,故D项不正确。


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  61.C【解析】文中第一段提到“But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing theories of why sleep is good for the memory.”所以他们对为什么睡眠对记忆有好处持有不同的观点,故应选C。

  62.A【解析】第二段中指出“…when brain and body are active”,大脑积极运转是眼珠快速转动的主要特征,且在第三、四段又再次说明。选项B“被研究者更快的反应速度”,选项C“复杂的记忆模式”和选项 D“前一天事件的重现”都不是眼球快速运动的主要特征。故应选A。

  63.B【解析】原文的第三段最后“What they did not know…followed a pattern-what is referred to as “artificial grammar”.Yet the reductions in response time showed that…”说明了这种内在模式,也就是“artificial grantor”,对于记忆的重要性。故应选B。

  64.C【解析】这个题考察的是对后面几段的归纳。首先在第三段开始“Dr.Maquet used all electronic device called PET…they practiced a task during the day,and as they slept during the following night.”这是一种对比性的研究方法。后来的第四段最后“…their response times when they woke up were even quicker than when they went to sleep.”也采用了对比的分析研究,故应选C。

  65.D【解析】这是一个通篇的中心归纳的考察题。文章一开始就指出“Before a big exam.a sound night’s sleep will do you better than poring over textbooks.”意思是在晚上好好的睡觉对记忆是有好处的。最后作者又归纳了研究的结果,“…concluded that the nerve connections involved in memory are reinforced through reactivation during REM sleep….”也说明结构性知识在REM睡眠中是可以巩固的。故应选D。

责编:ZCF 评论 纠错


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