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来源:华课网校   2016-11-12【

  Section III Writing

  Fatness,which used to be a symbol of fortune and prosperity,nowa- days become more like a sin,because people usually associate it with weak moral strength、and poor physical condition.And people are more obsessed with thinness.There are both religious reasons and health concerns behind this phenomenon.

  However.I think people’S real concern is not being over-weight or too fat,but that we don’t take enough exercises or we fail to eat well.It is quite necessary for US to build strung bones as well as improve heart and lung con-dition through exercises.We should not always keeping our eye Oil the weight.Simply bein9.thin is not enough because being thin does not equal being healthy.

  Neither being too fat nor too thin is good for people’s health.To keep fit,both healthy diet and regular exercises are needed.For instance,we Call eat nutritious food with low calories,have more fresh vegetables and fruits and go to the gyms at least twice a week,or at least take a walk after dinner.Only in this way call we drive fatness away and keep a slender figure.

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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