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来源:华课网校   2019-05-08【

  Part III Multiple Choice (0.5'×20=10')

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  26. The knowledge that a rescue team would continue searching for them ________ the trapped miners.

  A) retained B) attained C) maintained D) sustained

  27. The committee recommends that the budget ________ discussed at the next meeting.

  A) is B) will be C) be D) are

  28. Anyone over the age of 18 is ________ to vote.

  A) illegible B) legible C) eligible D) ineligible

  29. ________ of us can do everything, but all of us can do ________.

  A) None, something C) Some, everything

  B) Few, nothing D) Few, nothing

  30. My father often tells me that a man should aim ________ and never speak ________

  of himself.

  A) highly, high C) high, high

  B) high, highly D) highly, highly

  31. John was ________ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.

  A) transformed B) transferred C) delivered D) transmitted

  32. I don’t want to _________ his bad temper.

  A) put up with C) keep up with

  B) come up with D) come out with

  33. The film you watched yesterday was ________ from a novel by Jane Austen.

  A) adopted B) based C) adapted D) adept

  34. If he had made an appointment, he ________ the director.

  A) could see C) can see

  B) could have seen D) had seen

  35. The government’s plan is that social security ________ about a fifth of the total public spending.

  A) takes account of B) on account of C) accounts for D) counts on

  36. Give the message to _______ needs it at the table.

  A) whomever B) whatever C) whosever D) whoever

  37. He did not realize that the unemployment was all that _______in the city.

  A) critic B) critical C) criticism D) criticize

  38. _______ are usually preferred by children in the hospital.

  A) Women doctor C) Woman doctor

  B) Women doctors D) Woman doctors

  39. We can read worldwide news on the website of The British Broadcasting_______.

  A) Cooperate B) Cooperation C) Corporate D) Corporation

  40. My doctor ________ me to a specialist in heart disease.

  A) inferred B) preferred C) referred D) differed

  41. We gave up the house, because of _______ considerations.

  A) economic B) economics C) economical D) economy

  42. The flu is believed _______ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

  A) cause C) to be caused

  B) being caused D) to have caused

  43. Thanks to the modern electrical _______, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.

  A) appliances B) facilities C) tools D) instruments

  44. Let me see all the official documents _______ the sale of this land.

  A) concerned B) concerning C) concerns D) concernedly

  45. Great as Newton was, many of his theories_______ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.

  A) are to be challenged C) have been challenged

  B) are challenging D) may be challenged

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (35')

责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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