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来源:华课网校   2019-05-05【

  Part III. Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  26. I got 90 ________ on the intelligence test. CABAA

  A. scores B. mark

  C. points D. grades

  27. When I was young. I ________ a room _______my brother.

  A. shared, with B. separated, with

  C. lived, with D. divided, by

  28. It' s not quite ________that he will come.

  A. sure B. certain

  C. right D. exact

  29. Skimming helps _______your reading speed.

  A. increase B. decrease

  C. reduce D. develop

  30. The new inventions will ________ great changes in our school.

  A. lead to B. get to

  C. prove to be D. take over

  31. The Red Army ______ 25,000 Li on the Long March.

  A. journeyed B. ran

  C. flew D. covered

  32. He kept looking back because he was afraid of ________.

  A. following B. being followed

  C. having followed D. having been followed

  33. He finally ________ in reaching the top of the mountain.

  A. achieved B. enabled

  C. managed D. succeeded

  34. The management is worse because the regulations have not been_________carried out .

  A. effectively B. enough

  C. efficient ly D. definitely

  35. The bottle is too small _____hold so much water.

  A. to B. that

  C. not to D. as

  36. All of them had a ball at the party. "Had a ball" means _____.

  A. enjoyed themselves B. held a ball in their hands

  C. enjoyed themselves D. played the ball

  37. It is quite some years since I ________ him.

  A know B. got to know

  C. knew D. had known

  38. You can borrow my dictionary ________ you return it to me before 10.

  A. unless B. as soon as

  C. until D. if

  39. I heard our teacher was ill_______.

  A. or nothing B. or everything

  C. or something D. or anything

  40. You overslept this morning. You_____ your alarm clock.

  A. should set B. must set

  C, should have set D. must have set

  41. I wish he ____A____ earlier. He’ s late for work every day.

  A. would get up B. getup

  C. will get up D. should get up

  42. If there is enough time, I want to___________ the city before dark.

  A. look around B. look on

  C. look for D. look up

  43. We have lessons every day _______ on Sunday.

  A. except for B. except

  C. apart D. besides

  44. This is the only success I have ________ since I graduated from college.

  A. achieved B. taken

  C. finished D. done

  45. I can't ______the time for it.

  A. afford B. take

  C. spend D, cost

  46. ______ his age, he is unable to take the job.

  A. Considering B. Thinking

  C. Comparing D. Judging

  47. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words ".Unsay" here means __

  A. not say B. take hack

  C. keep from saying D. admit

  48. I'm very lucky ____the women in the old days.

  A. comparing with B. comparing to

  C. compared with D. compared from

  49. Never __________such a marvellous place as the Great Wall before I got there.

  A. did I see B. had I seen

  C. I saw D. I had seen

  50. He paused _______ he had found a difficulty.

  A. so that B. even though

  C. now that D. as if

  51. _____ is a good meal and a good rest.

  A. That you real need B. What you really need

  C. How you are really needing D. What you are really needed

  52. By next June, she ______ here for five years.

  A. will study B. has been studying

  C. will have been studying D. had studied

  53. Many of the world’s great novels are reported _____ into films last year.

  A. being made B. having been made

  C. to be made D. to have been made

  54. If you _____ to see Mary, what would you tell her?

  A. are B. will be going

  C. were D. must

  55. He was _____ to tell the truth.

  A. too much of a coward B. too much coward

  C. a coward enough D. enough of coward

  56. A. therefore B. or

  C. but D. so

  57. A. smiles B. laughs

  C. enjoys D. delights

  58. A. Instead B. Rather than

  C. Instead of D. Though

  59. A. both B. neither

  C. nor D. either

  60. A. in B. for

  C. to D. before

  61. A. and B. either

  C. or D. as well as

  62. A. anything B. something

  C. everything D. one thing

  63. A. even though B. as

  C. so that D. until

  ulty64. A. interrupt B. join

  C. mix up D. bother

  65. A. when B. with

  C. after D. since

责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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