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来源:华课网校   2016-09-01【


  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题 四个选项(A、 B、 C、 D中选出能填入相应空白处 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

  Si1as Minton's funeral was a quiet 16 . lt was 17 by the only 18 he had in the world, his niece and nephew, and by a few friends. The priest who 19 20 a hundred miles into this wild part of the county was now getting 21 for the simpleceremony. Minton, 22 'Minty' as his friends 23 call him, 24 ahard life 25 for gold in a lonely part of Western Australia.He had always refused to work in a gold mine 26 he believedthat he could do better 27 his own. Although he was not aboastful(夸口 )person, he had often declared that one day he 28 find a lump(块) of gold as big as his head and 29 he would retire and live in 30 for the rest of his life. But his dreams of great wealth 31 came true. For many years he had hardly earned enough money to keep himself 32 . Two men now gently lifted the rough wooden box that 33 Minty's body, but they almost dropped it when they heard loud cry from the grave-digger. His spade(铁鍬)had struck something hard in the rocky soil and he was shouting excitedly. Then he held up a large stone. 34 it was covered 35 dirt, the stone shone curious1yin the fierce sun1ight: it was unmistakably a heavy piece of solid gold!

  16. A. accident B. event C. affair D. inciden

  17. A. taken B. attended C. joined D. brought

  18. A. relation B. relations C. relationship D.relationships

  19. A. travelled B. was travelling C. had travelIed D.used to travel

  20. A. to B. of C. in D. over

  21. A. ready B. better C. preparation D. worse

  22. A. and B. but C. or D. except

  23. A. liked B. past C. used D. used to

  24. A. leaded B. had leaded C. had led D. led

  25. A. look B. looking C. looked D. had looked

  26. A. because B. so C. even D. only

  27. A. to B. in C. on D. for

  28. A. would B. must C. ought to D. for

  29. A. since B. which C. when D. with that

  30. A. comfort B. comforts C. comfortable D. comfortably

  31. A. ever B. never C. always D. once

  32. A. live B. life C. lived D. alive

  33. A. contains B. containing C. contained D. havingcontained

  34. A. Though B. For C. Then D. Because

  35. A. in B. with C. within D. below



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