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2017年公共英语三级考试口语素材收集(22) _第2页

来源:华课网校   2017-03-15【



  A:there are many families choosing divorce.they think it is better to get divorced than stick to an unhappied marriage.however,some family have a child.I think they should think it over before making a decision of divorce.

  there are three reason to support my opinion.

  first,the love form the mother is different from the love from the father.so,every children has both parents' love.if a child living with a single parent will get unhappied,and they may bring psychological problem.

  second,in order to raise children,single parent has to work harder.they have less time being together with theirs children.theirs children feel very sad,they don't feel love,which also cause pshchological problem.

  third,if single parent get married again,children will get hurt by having a call a unrelated person "mother"or "father'.and if the new parent don't get along very well with the child,the situation is becoming even worse.

  B:I agree with you. I read in the newspaper about case of youth criminal.according to official statis,a large percentage of youngth criminal are from single-family or remarried family.when they are 7 to 17 year old,their family get divorced.so,I think parents should think it over before makeing a decision of divorce.

责编:Aimee 评论 纠错


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