

当前位置:华课网校 >> 公共英语 >> PETS三级 >> 模拟试题 >> 2019年9月公共英语三级单选题


来源:华课网校   2019-05-30【

  16.He explained to us what they _____ doing in the next year.

  A) intended B) attended

  C) extended D) pretended

  17. The housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full


  A) capacity B) strength

  C) length D) possibility

  18.He has _____ a number of journals this

  morning for the information he needs badly.

  A) looked through B) looked on

  C) looked over D) looked at

  19.The police had the photograph of the missing girl _____ in order to find her easily.

  A) expanded B) amplified

  C) multiplied D) enlarged

  20. The river is _____ at the bank.

  A) running away B) eating away

  C) taking away D) bringing away

  21. She may be _____ if you don’t reply to her soon.

  A) injured B) wounded

  C) offended D) offensive

  22. The equator is an _____ line.

  A) imaginable B) imaginative

  C) imaginary D) imagining

  23. Even as a child he showed an inclination to ______ over the other children.

  A) dominate B) rule

  C) govern D) inspect

  24. The explorers were _____ straits almost impassable.

  A) immune to B) confronted with

  C) capable of D) transported

  25.We _____ complete equality between men and women.

  A) omit B) suggest

  C) advocate D) agree

  26. A drugstore in America _____ not only medicines, but also sweets, drinks and other articles.

  A) shaves B) handles

  C) polishes D) tosses

  27. Judging from the order of importance, this matter should call for ____ consideration.

  A) previous B) prior

  C) preceding D) prime

  28. To have his story published, the young man certainly _____ it for at least three times.

  A) contrives B) fries

  C) polishes D) advocates

  29. Thanks to the progress in medicine, the life _____ of people throughout the world was greatly extended.

  A) temple B) span

  C) dam D) residence

  30. More and more _____ home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens trouble the older generation.

  A) guilty B) instinctive

  C) automatic D) offensive


责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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