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2017年pets3公共英语三级写作模拟题 5套(14) _第4页

来源:华课网校   2017-09-01【

  Suppose you are the secretary of the manager of a company. You attended the negotiation between your company and a foreign company. Write a memo of the negotiation. The memo should include:

  1 ) time and place of the negotiation

  2) participants of the negotiation

  3) content of the negotiation including the agreement reached and differences that still remain

  4) the time for the next negotiation


  Memo From: Cathy

  Subject: Negotiation between Lenovo and IBM

  Date: Nov. 7, 2012

  Today, Lenovo and IBM had a negotiation in Diaoyutai State Guest-house. The participants in the negotiation are the managers of Sales Department, Human Resources Department, and Marketing Department of the two companies.

  They talked about the potential of cooperation of the two companies in the field of high-tech computer products and the possibility of establishing a branch company of IBM in China. On the first problem, the two sides achieved an agreement: IBM will provide the most advanced thnology, while Lenovo will take care of marketing and customer service.

  However, on the second problem, the two sides did not reach any agreement. Therefore, on Dec. 20, 2012, the two sides will hold a second round of negotiation on this issue.

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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