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来源:华课网校   2016-02-13【

  Section Ⅲ?

  Part A?

  46. [A]?文章第一段第三句话告诉我们这只狗有几项明确的职责,它利用机会来显示它的才能“ demonstrate his abilities ”,show off正是demonstrate的意思。?

  47. [C]?文章第一段的最后一句说Prince是一条猎狗,它的特点是能衔住猎物而不伤之。甚至连牙印都不留下。由此可推出C。?

  48. B?文章的第二段第一句说Williams是铁路工人,机车司机,他穿的蓝色制服上有股油味,故选B。?

  49. [B]?文章第二段倒数第二句说,Williams经常睡过头,这时,Prince就会在他的卧室外不停地叫,直到把他叫醒,这一点让他的家人很烦。所以选B。?

  50. [D]?这道题的答案需要从第三段中推理,这一段告诉我们William因为摔了一跤,在床上躺了三天,直到他起来能再穿衣服的时候他才发现钱包丢了。“got up and dressed again”中的“again”一词说明了在这三天内他一直没能起床穿衣,自然也就没机会摸衣服口袋了,这就是他这几天一直没意识到钱包丢了的原因。?

  51. [D]?在第一段最后一句中作者说在罕见的病例中,不幸的患者会把每一种色彩都当作是深浅不同的绿色。A、B、C的错误之处都在于对色盲人数多少的限定词some或few不够准确。?

  52. [C]?这道细节题可以“rods”这个专业词汇帮助我们在第三段中间位置迅速定位,在这里,作者告诉我们视杆细胞(rod)在天色接近黑暗时发挥作用,他们能使我们看到物体的外形,而不是颜色。故选C。?

  53. [D]?这道题可从第四段第一二句中找到答案,这两句告诉我们在夜晚捕食的鸟和动物的眼睛几乎没有或根本没有锥状细胞(cone),所以不能区别颜色。而蝙蝠或猫头鹰就属于这样的动物。故D正确。?

  54. [B]?这是道推断题,文章第四段最后一句说,猫和狗识别颜色的能力不如人类,而前文又说了不能识别颜色是因为椎状细胞少,由此,我们可以推出猫和狗的椎状细胞不如人类多。这里易误选的是A答案,注意文中的as well as是不如……好的意思,是比较级的as... as形式,不是作为“也”意思讲的短语“as well as”。?

  55. [C]?关于昆虫的讲述在文中的最后两段中,从这两段的叙述中,我们知道,昆虫能看到许多我们人类看不见的颜色,它们所看到紫外线和X射线,这里在讲到昆虫用的是表示类别的复数形式“insects”,代表的是所有的昆虫共有的特征,所以A、B、D的内容都是正确的,C的内容说所有的昆虫都有它们自己喜爱的颜色,而文中说的是一些昆虫有自己喜爱的颜色,所以C的内容不对,答案为C。?

  56. [B]?答案可从第一段第二句中推出。“produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text”指的就是对童话加以改编。?

  57. [C]?文中第二段第一句中的“arousing his sadistic impulses”即是答案所在,这里指的就是“唤起暴虐的欲望”。?

  58. [B]?在第二段倒数第一、二句中作者解释了孩子们恐惧的原因,并讲述了消除这种恐惧的方法,即“by repetition”。?

  59. [C]?答案也在第二段倒数第一句中,作者说多次重复一个故事会把恐惧的痛苦变为面对恐惧并战胜它的一种快乐。所以C中的帮助孩子接受恐惧最为合适。?

  60. [A]?A项的内容不是作者的观点,而是作者在末段要批判的观点。而且作者对童话是持肯定态度的,A项内容显然是一种否定态度,因而是错误的。故答案为A。

  Part B?

  61. [C]?Hardley主要讲了吸烟与疾病的关系,他的观点其实就是两者之间有必然的联系,所以C最合适。?

  62. [B]?Randy从另外一个角度发表自己的观点,即烟草业给国家带来了很多税收,以及由此带来的好处,故选B。?

  63. [E]?Sampson从香烟广告这一角度而谈,他认为广告里对吸烟者的形象塑造不符合实际情况,易产生误导,用“advertisement”作为关键词可首先把选择范围缩小,比较E、F选项,不难看出E较合适。?

  64. [D]?Rowley的观点与Randy相对,他承认烟草为政府增加收入,但他更强调为治疗和研究吸烟带来的疾病所耗费的大量资金。所以他认为从长远利益考虑,应禁烟。D选项正是这一意思的另一种表达方式。?

  65. [A]?Bernice对吸烟持肯定态度,他认为吸烟能使他消除紧张,进行放松。他所说的感受,即“worried”“nervous”等都是从心理角度来说的,所以总结起来,可以说他认为吸烟可以带来心理方面的益处。?

  Section Ⅳ?

  Part A ?

  Wang Jun, ?

  I came here to pick you up on time, but the train was late and the railway station told me that it was unknown when the train would arrive at Shijiazhuang. I have an important meeting this afternoon. As soon as you arrive here, please phone me, and the number is 0311-69125605.??

  Chen Zhiqiang?

  Part B

  Should Men Be Forced by Law to Do Half the Housework?

  It is really ridiculous that the Australian parliament was to lay down a law to force human being to do the housework. I can't reason out anything to explain that a government should meddle in the family life. In my opinion, nobody can divide equally the housework into two parts and tell what a man or a woman should do in a family.

  Husband and Wife, enjoying the same right in a family, give their deep seated love to each other. On the one hand, Wife has no obligation to shoulder the heavy burden of all the housework. Neither does Husband. On the other hand, if they deal with the housework as the businessman does in a market, the family will come to its end. When one is at home, the other is still working outside, why doesn't he or she prepare everything for him or her and give him or her a sense of having a family? Why not comfort him or her if he or she comes back exhaustedly? Why do you just force Husband to do half? Why not the whole if he is free? If he loves his wife, is it necessary to force him??Therefore, it is not reasonable for any institution to interfere in a private life. It is not necessary to force Husband to do half of housework.?


  Part A?


  Part B?

  这是一个材料作文,考生可以使用材料中的语言,但不宜过多。可以使用其中的语言观点,但只是一个辅助的部分,不能占有重要的位置,可以用它们来支持说明自己的观点。第一段考生应该清楚明白地说明自己的观点:“... nobody can divide equally the housework into two parts and tell what a man or a woman should do in a family”。结尾做总结时点题,“It is not necessary to force Husband to do half of housework”。?

  Section Ⅴ

  Part 1?

  Interlocutor: Sit down, please.?

  Zhang: Thanks.?

  Interlocutor: Could you please tell me your name??

  Zhang: My name is Zhang Hong.?

  Interlocutor: I would like to have some information about your profession.?

  Zhang: Ok. I am working in a company as a right?hand man.?

  Interlocutor: What do you mean by“right?hand man”??

  Zhang: It's something like a secretary. I have to prepare some data for the manager's speech at a meeting, to receive the call and send some mails for him. Sometimes he asks me to type something into the computer. Sometimes I explain his policy to other employees and report some advice to him. You see, I am involved in so many trifles every day. I think one day I will be driven crazy. ?

  Interlocutor: Do you mean you want to change your job??

  Zhang: I don't mean that. In fact, that is the life itself. I have to accept and stand it. ?

  Interlocutor: Good.?

  Part 2?

  Man: Hi. My name is Zhang Hong. I saw you standing here alone, and I thought I might join you a moment. Hope I will not annoy you too much.

  Woman: Hi. Mr. Zhang. It is very nice to meet you here. My name is Liu Fang.

  Zhang: Are you a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Xiao's??

  Liu: Yeah. I knew both of them in college. Mrs. Xiao was one of my roommates. How have you been here??

  Zhang: Less than half an hour. I am late for the party, because I took one?hour?and?half drive. You know, it was the rush hour then...

  Liu: A traffic jam? Oh, my God.?

  Zhang: It's okay. Luckily, I am not too late. At least, I am here before you leave now and have a great talk with you. ?

  Liu: Oh, thank you. I am flattered.?

  Zhang: You deserve it. You are so pretty and distinguished a girl in the party. Ah, I am sorry. My friend is coming up to me and I have to say hello to him. Pleased to meet you. ?

  Liu: Me, too.?

  Part 3?

  As a young man/girl, I don't want to take part in any organization. You know what it means. You will have to spare some time to attend some activities, maybe meetings, or get?togethers. If you are one member of the organization, you have to explain a lot if you are not able to get somewhere as it asks you to do.

  Sometimes, I think it is a complete waste of time, to explain to you too much about something that you hate to be involved in but you have to be. I like to “be a law unto myself”.?

  Test One Tapescript

  Part A?

  1. M: Hello, I'm Robert. I am from Sweden, and how about you??

  W: My name's Sylvi

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