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来源:华课网校   2020-10-02【

  Today, men have reached the top of the world’s highest mountains. But for many years, even people who lived among the mountains did not climb them. Indeed, people believed that men could not climb mountains.

  For a long time, mountains were thought to be the home of evil(凶恶的) spirits. People believed dragons(龙) lived on the mountainside. They thought these dragons would gobble up anyone coming near.

  When men began to climb mountains, they faced many dangers. The air high on a mountain was freezing cold. There were deep cracks(裂缝) into which a climber could fall. Roaring winds and terrible storms could sweep a man off the mountainside.

  At first, men did not have the proper equipment to climb high mountains. They did not have ice axes, ropes or the right kind of clothing.

  Later, men could not reach the top of the highest peaks for another reason. As a man climbed higher, the air became thinner. There was less oxygen to breathe above 18 000 feet, a climber had to stop every few steps to catch his breath. His heart beat faster and his blood became thick. Above 25 000 feet, a climber would begin to see things that were not here. He could no longer think clearly about what he had to do.

  1. This passage mainly tells us about _______.

  A. the dangers of climbing high mountains B. the evils spirits and dragons that live on the mountainside

  C. the proper equipment needed to climb mountains D. people who live in mountains

  2. In this passage the words “gobble up” means _______.

  A. hold back B. catch up with C. get hold of D. eat up very fast

  3. Which of the following is true?

  A. The higher one climbs, the less oxygen he will breathe.

  B. The main reason why people couldn’t reach the top of the mountains is that they didn’t have proper equipment.

  C. The faster one climbs, the less oxygen he will need.

  D. Fast beating hearts need thick blood.

  (1—3 ADA)


  1. A。主旨题。根据文章第 1 段最后一句 …people believed that men could not climb mountains 及全文的内容,可推知此题答案为 A。

  2. D。词义猜测题。根据常识及选项的比较,可推知此题的答案为 D。

  3. A。细节题。根据文章第 5 段第 2 句 As a man climbed higher, the air became thinner 可知此题答案为 A。

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