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中华考试网  2015-04-20  【



  Dad often says that hope is everywhere. In his fifties, he lost his job. But he managed to get the right of a newspaper delivery. It would become a family __1__. Dad drove around delivering the papers most weekday mornings. We all __2__. My mother walked all over that long route __3__ money from customers during the day.

  Delivering papers is one of the most __4__ jobs you can imagine. I was pretty young, probably still in grade school, __5__ I always worked. I could carry heavy bundles of paper. When I was __6__ enough to drive, Dad bought a Ford Falcon that I was __7__ to drive to high school. My brothers and sister were all __8__ and living away by this time. So I became the number two __9__ on Sunday mornings. Not only would I wake up and __10__ the papers, but I would jump into the car and drive a section of the __11__. Mike was a hired worker, a year younger than me. He was also the brother of my brother Rick's wife. My parents really trusted us with a lot of __12__.

  The paper delivery, though __13__ hard work, gave me many things. First, it __14__ me with my father in a way that I very __15__ needed. He trusted my driving __16__, and gave me directions on how to drive down icy steep streets in winters. I felt a __17__ member of my family. Besides, I learned to love the early morning sounds of the city, the awesome quiet of __18__ neighborhoods, and the relationship that only two teenagers working together could ever __19__. I also loved those many hours in the basement loading papers with Mom, Dad, Mike and Roy, the boys who were __20__ by Dad.

  1.A.decision B.business

  C.command D.union

  2.A.helped B.complained

  C.puzzled D.gathered

  3.A.giving B.drawing

  C.raising D.collecting

  4.A.amusing B.exciting

  C.interesting D.tiring

  5.A.and B.so

  C.but D.thus

  6.A.old B.strong

  C.clever D.brave

  7.A.advised B.allowed

  C.ordered D.helped

  8.A.retired B.dismissed

  C.married D.separated

  9.A.father B.manager

  C.ruler D.driver

  10.A.write down B.deal with

  C.clear up D.make out

  11.A.route B.station

  C.circle D.journey

  12.A.explanation B.reputation

  C.responsibility D.quantity

  13.A.easily B.probably

  C.hardly D.frightfully

  14.A.helped B.connected

  C.busied D.greeted

  15.A.badly B.partly

  C.merely D.rarely

  16.A.lessons B.trainings

  C.abilities D.attitudes

  17.A.celebrating B.obtaining

  C.performing D.contributing

  18.A.laughing B.sleeping

  C.working D.talking

  19.A.form B.destroy

  C.ruin D.observe

  20.A.charged B.supported

  C.paid D.brought



  1.B 解析:由下文可知,作者的全家都参与到送报纸这个全家赖以为生的生计中来,对全家而言是属于自己家的生意,所以选择business。

  2.A 解析:第一段最后一句话说明作者和母亲都加入到帮助父亲扶持家业的行列中来,所以选择help。

  3.D 解析:第一段的第四句话的“weekday mornings”说明父亲早上驾车送报,而母亲则在白天的时候收取报纸的费用。

  4.D 解析:由第一段父亲的早起晚归和母亲的白天操劳和送报纸这项工作的特点可知,这是一项很累人的工作,所以选择tiring。

  5.C 解析:本句的“still”说明作者当时年幼,但是同样也是父亲的好帮手。所以这里是转折关系。

  6.A 解析:第一段第二句话的“pretty young”说明本空和当时的“年幼”相对比,现在已经足够大了,能驾车了。

  7.B 解析:本句的“old enough”说明作者已经达到了被允许开车上学的年龄,用allow表示获得了“许可权”。

  8.C 解析:本句的“living away by this time”说明作者的哥哥姐姐很有可能已经结婚成家,所以才会住的更远一些。结合选项,C项最符合逻辑。

  9.D 解析:作者被容许驾车之后,且哥哥姐姐不在身边后,作者当然成了仅次于父亲的重要劳动力,那就是开车送报。

  10.B 解析:作者全家在送报之前要对报纸进行一番分类整理。deal with“处理”,符合该行业的特点。

  11.A 解析:既然是作者也像父亲一样驾车送报,当然是路线相同,而作为备用司机的作者应该是行驶父亲的常规路线中的一部分。

  12.C 解析:父亲能把那么多事情都交给作者去做,说明他在作者并不大的时候就赋予他很强的责任感。

  13.D 解析:由作者和其父亲的付出可以看出送报这份工作非常辛苦,frightfully“可怕地;非常地”。符合语境。

  14.B 解析:正是和父亲一起勤劳工作的经历让作者感受到了和父亲之间的心心相连,connect“联系”,符合语境。

  15.A 解析:由第二段第六句话的“the number two driver”可知作者在家族生意方面对父亲的帮助非常重要。本空badly是一个副词,意为“严重地”,说明程度之深,符合语境。

  16.C 解析:作者的父亲相信他驾车的能力或者技巧,但是也会教给他一些冬天驾车的技巧。ability指作者的驾车能力,符合语境。

  17.D 解析:作者能帮助父亲解决那么多问题,说明他给这个家也做出了很大的贡献,contribute“做贡献的”,符合作者对整个家的付出。

  18.B 解析:本句的“early morning sounds of the city”说明作者和父亲每天开始工作的时间之早,而往往这个时候邻居们正处在睡梦之中,所以选择sleeping。

  19.A 解析:本空和定语从句的先行词“relationship”形成动宾关系,说明作者和Mike在一起工作的过程中形成的合作关系,form“形成”,符合语境。

  20.C 解析:由第一段第二句的“family business”可知作者的全家都以送报为生,而Mike与Roy和作者不一样的地方是,他们两个是父亲雇佣的工人,所以用“were paid”表示他们的身份和作者的不同。
