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中华考试网  2018-05-25  【



  “You're hired!”

  You've probably already been filling out job applications or talking to family or friends about getting a part-time job.And good for you! You'll get an early start learning how to work.So how,exactly,do you get a part-time job?__36__It sounds strange,but it will put you in the right state of mind.Steal these secrets to keep you cool and impress the people who matter.

  Secret #1:Do your homework.Showing up for an interview unprepared is like taking a driving test without ever opening the manual (手册): FAIL.So give yourself a primer (初级读本) on the job and the business first.A few ways to know your stuff: Has the company been in the news lately? __37__Do you know any employees you can ask about the job? You'll feel more confident,and your interviewer will be impressed that you did your research!

  Secret #2:__38__You're probably pretty busy stressing over how to survive an intense interrogation (询问),but guess what?The questions you ask during an interview may be what sells you to your future employer—they show your enthusiasm for the job.

  Secret #3:It pays to get there early.__39__So arrive 15 minutes early and try this calming breathing exercise:

  1.Find a place to sit (like a chair in the hall or across the street at a coffee shop).

  2.Take slow,deep breaths.

  3.Repeat that 5~10 times!

  Secret #4:Don't skip breakfast.On interview day,make sure you're running on healthy fuel,like a piece of bread and a banana.__40__

  A.What can you learn from its website?

  B.Questions are as important as answers.

  C.Do you want to build up your confidence?

  D.You will compete for a dream job one day.

  E.They'll give you the energy to do your best!

  F.Think of yourself as a product you have to sell!

  G.When you're in a rush,you start off feeling tired and anxious.

  【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了准备面试的几个小技巧。

  36.F [F项是对上文So how,exactly,do you get a part-time job?的回答,且与下文的It sounds strange,but it will put you in the right state of mind相呼应。]

  37.A [A项与上下文的问句都是对上文A few ways to know your stuff的具体说明。]

  38.B [B项与下文的The questions you ask during an interview may be what sells you to your future employer相呼应。]

  39.G [G项与上文的It pays to get there early及下文的So arrive 15 minutes early and try this calming breathing exercise相呼应。]

  40.E [E项中的They指代上文的a piece of bread and a banana。]
