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来源:考试网  [ 2018年2月28日 ]  【

  Part Ⅳ Cloze Test (10 points)

  Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

  In the dining room of my grandfather’s house stood his heavy clock. Meals in the dining room were a __ 76 __ for our four generations to become one. My grandfather’ s clock always stood like a trusted old family friend, __ 77 __ us playing jokes and telling stories, which was already a __ 78 __ of our life.

  When I was a child, the old clock interested me. I watched and listened to it during __ 79 __ . I was surprised how at __ 80 __ times of the day, the clock would strike three times, six times or more, with a wonderful great __ 81 __ that echoed throughout the house. The clock chimed year after year, a part of my __ 82 __ , a part of my heart.

  Even more __ 83 __ to me was my grandfather’s special action each day. He meticulously __ 84 __ the clock with a special key each day. The key was magic to me. It __ 85 __ our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.

  76. A. time B. possibility C. problem D. pleasure

  77. A. seeing B. hearing C. watching D. looking

  78. A. start B. part C. signal D. mark

  79. A. stories B. jokes C. periods D. meals

  80. A. busy B. urgent C. happy D. different

  81. A. shock B. sound C. song D. music

  82. A. memories B. minds C. comfort D. information

  83. A. comfortable B. hopeful C. wonderful D. skillful

  84. A. opened B. wound C. turned D. started

  85. A. made B. controlled C. kept D. fixed

  Part Ⅴ Writing (15 points)

  Directions:You are to write in 100~ 120 words about the title “Happiness”. You should base your composition on the requirement given below:


  (1)What is happiness?

  (2)Happiness is of great importance in everyone’s life.

  (3)Happiness is related to health.

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