鲟(学名:Acipenser sinensis),属鲟形目、鲟科、鲟属的一种。鲟是一种大型的溯河洄游性鱼类,是古老的珍稀鱼类,世界现存鱼类中最原始的种类之一。鲟是中国一级重点保护野生动物,也是活化石,有“水中大熊猫”之称。现今仅在我国长江流域尚有分布,其他江河中均已绝迹。
Acipenser Sinensis
Acipenser sinensis, or Chinese Sturgeon, falling within the Acipenser of the Acipenser family of Gadiformes, is a kind of large-type migration fish, a kind of rare ancient fish and one of the most primitive species among the existing fish in the world. Also known as the "giant panda of the water", it is a wild animal enjoying national first-class key protection as well as a kind of living fossil. Today, it is merely distributed in the Yangtze River Basin in China with no trace in other rivers.