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考试网   2015-01-31   【

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: in this section you will hear 8 short conversations, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A)、B)、C)and D)、and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11. A)Trying to sketch a map C)Discussing a house plan.

  B)Painting the dining room. D)Cleaning the kitchen.

  12.A)She is tired of the food in the canteen.

  B)She often eats in a French restaurant.

  C) She usually takes a snack in the KFC.

  D)She in very fussy about what she eats.

  13.A) Listening to some loud music C)Talking loudly on the telephone.

  B)Preparing for as oral examination. D)Practicing for a speech contest.

  14.A)The man has left a good impression on her family.

  B)The man can dress casually for the occasion.

  C)The man should buy himself a new suit.

  D)The man's jeans and T-shirts are stylish.

  15.A)Grey pants made from pure cotton. C)100% cotton pants in dark blue.

  B) Fashionable pants in bright colors. D)Something to match her brown pants.

  16.A) Its price. C)Its comfort.

  B)Its location D)Its facilities.

  17.A)Travel overseas. C)Take a photo.

  B)Look for a new job. D)Adopt a child.

  18.A)It is a routine offer. C)It is quite healthy.

  B)It is new on the menu. D)It is a good bargain.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you .

  19.A)Hosting an evening TV program. C)Lecturing on business management.

  B) Having her bicycle repaired. D)Conducting a market survey.

  20.A) He repaired bicycles. C)He worked as a salesman.

  B)He served as a consultant. D)He coached in a racing club.

  21.A) He wanted to be his own boss.

  B) He found it more profitable

  C)He didn't want to start from scratch.

  D)He didn't want to be in too much debt.

  22.A)They work five days a week. C)They are paid by the hour.

  B)They are all the man's friends. D)They all enjoy gambling.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23.A)It has gradually given way to service industry.

  B)It remains a major part of industrial activity.

  C)It has a history as long as paper processing.

  D)It accounts for 80 percent of the region's GDP.

  24.A) Transport problems. C)Lack of resources.

  B)Shortage of funding. D)poor management.

  25.A) Competition from rival companies. C)Possible locations for a new factory

  B)Product promotion campaigns. D)Measures to create job opportunities.

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