Eleven years had passed.
I looked at her in awe and amazement while she sat down on her hospital bed.
She is still that lively and cheerful woman I knew.
Yet, she is already far from that new and clumsy nurse volunteer we both were when we applied in this hospital eleven years ago.
"Do you still remember about our pulse oximeter story?" She asked me while we talked about how we had been as new nurse trainees in this hospital.
I looked at her with closed brows while my thoughts drifted back to our first days of duty more than a decade ago.
Non-food prices rose 2.2 percent from a year earlier, contributing about 1.77 percentage points to the CPI growth.
The core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices, gained 1.1 percent year on year, flat with a month ago.
扣除食品和能源价格的核 心CPI,3月份同比上涨1.1%,涨幅与2月份相同。
On a monthly basis, the CPI remained flat. Food prices dipped 1.2 percent and non-food prices rose 0.3 percent.
In contrast to price hikes seen in other economies, China saw its inflation remain within a reasonable range, said Guo Liyan, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research. "It demonstrates the strong resilience of the Chinese economy, with its large market scale and the country's effective measures to ensure abundant supplies and stable prices," Guo said.
中国宏观经济研究院综合形势研究室主任郭丽岩说,与世界上其他经济体物价飞涨的情况相比,一季度我国物价总体在合理区间平稳运行,充分体现了我国经济韧性 强,市场规模大,保供稳价措施有力。
Monday's data also showed the country's producer price index (PPI), which measures costs for goods at the factory gate, went up 8.3 percent year on year in March.
Prices continued to rise in the oil and nonferrous metal industries as geopolitical and other factors pushed up the costs of international bulk commodities. This partly led to China's monthly PPI increase.
Last week, a State Council executive meeting noted8 that domestic and external environments are faced with growing complexities9 and uncertainties10, some of which are beyond expectations.
The meeting called for the use of monetary11 policy tools as appropriate to more effectively support growth of the real economy.
Analysts12 believe that with adequate monetary policies to shore up economic growth and boost market confidence, China is capable of warding13 off potential risks amid a changing economic landscape.
I saw ourselves as staff nurses'buddies in a chaotic hospital.
l scene, tagging along our senior staff in attending patients in their different types of morbidities.
I saw ourselves running to and fro, pulling emergency carts and suction machines in trembling knees.
"Did you remember I was assigned to a dyspneic patient and was asked to get her oxygen saturation?"
We both laughed while recalling the incident.
She was assigned to a patient who was closely monitored and whose vital signs were going down below the acceptable line.
When asked about the percentage of oxygen saturation, she gave the heart rate instead.
The next thing we knew was that everyone was running to the assigned room of the patient.
False alarm.
I could still see her clearly in my mind as she was caught bewildered and guilty.
However, the medical team were all kind.
No harsh words nor blaming.
Neither grumbling nor deriding.
A touching scene that maintained the dignity of the erring one.
Something to draw courage and inspiration to learn fast and be a better nurse each day.
"The hospital where I worked now is one of the world's best.." her tone became serious.
"I feel secured here," she said.
We both got teary - eyed.
口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题
笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题
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