Here in this remote valley is the world's oldest known paintings of animals. The discovery, made by Basran Burhan, a doctoral student at Australia's Griffith University.
Basran Burhan, archaeologist
On a map, we found this unique location. The area is surrounded by mountains, and in the middle, there is this valley. So, we were curious and decided1 to explore. The name means ‘buffalo cave'. During the monsoon2, this area easily floods. So, in the past, our ancestors kept their buffaloes3 inside the cave, to protect them.
巴斯兰·伯翰 考古学家
“我们在地图上找到了这个独 特的地点。这一带群山环绕,山谷坐落在中央。所以我们很好奇,决定前去一探究竟。这个名字的意思是‘水牛洞'。季风时节,这一带易发洪水。所以在远古时代,我们的祖先为了保护水牛,会把它们赶到洞里。”
Fifty metres inside the cave, they found this panel that appears to tell the story of wild pigs fighting.
Basran Burha, archaeologist
The panel expresses quite a complex narrative4. Two boars are painted on top of each other. If we look closely at [the] pigs, it looks like the artist has used a brush dipped into paint to make the strokes on the cave wall. We see a different style with the hands. It appears as if a spray technique was used. They put their hands on the wall and then sprayed the pigment5 on.
巴斯兰·伯翰 考古学家
Using a uranium series isotope6 dating technique, it's been revealed that it was made more than 45,000 years ago.
The team of archaeologists behind the discovery say even older paintings may be found in nearby caves.
This ancient art, a source of great national pride.
Researchers are warning that the art is decaying at an alarming rate due to the effects of climate change, rising temperatures causing these ancient paintings to crumble7.
口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题
笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题
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