本地注册local registration
财政货币政策financial and monetary policy
产业升级industrial upgrading
城镇新开工项目new urban construction project
刺激经济增长boost economic growth
高新技术产业high-tech industry
工业产值industrial output
(规模以上)工业增加值the added value of industries (above a designated scale)
固定资产投资fixed assets investment
管理经验management expertise
国内需求domestic demand
合格率percent of pass
宏观经济政策macro-economic policy
宏观调控macroeconomic control
积极财政政策proactive financial policy
积极稳妥active and prudent
家电下乡 “Home Appliance to the Countryside Program”
金融机构financial institution
金融市场动荡financial market unrest
经济复苏economic recovery
经济健康平稳增长sound and steady development of economy
经济结构调整economic restructuring
可支配收入disposable income
跨国公司multinational corporation; transnational corporation
款式pattern; design
利率interest rate
粮食播种面积grain acreage
贸易壁垒trade barrier
贸易投资trade and investment
强农惠农政策policy to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers
人均现金收入per-capita cash income
社会消费品零售总额retail sales of consumer goods
社会主义市场经济体制socialist market economic system
适度宽松的货币政策moderately easy monetary policy
生物生化制品manufacturing industries in biological and biochemical products
市场预期market expectation
食品安全food security
税负tax burden
收入分配income distribution
同比提高year-on-year growth
投资增速investment growth
相互投资two-way investment; mutual investment
消费品工业consumer goods industry
外来直接投资foreign direct investment
一揽子计划package plan
银行存款准备金率required reserve ratio for commercial banks
佣金commission fee
战略环境strategic environment
装备制造业equipment manufacturing industry
资本市场capital market
boost growth促进增长
business networking业务网络
capital needs资本需求
continued reform and opening up 深入改革开放
cooperate governance合作管理
credit market信用市场
domestic market国内市场
economic contraction经济紧缩
economic catastrophe经济灾难
economic development经济发展
economic growth经济增长
economic priority经济首要任务
economic model 经济模式
economic recovery经济复苏
expand operations扩展业务
export of goods 货物出口
export of service 服务出口
free market自由市场
financial crisis 金融危机
finance director金融主管
financial market金融市场
financial reform金融改革
financial regulation金融监管
financial service金融服务
financial system金融体系
financial stability金融稳定
global credit crunch全球信用困境
global demand全球需求
global framework全球框架
global standard全球标准
human resources人力资源
investment 投资
London Stock Exchange伦敦股票交易中心
market 市场
market economy市场经济
market-oriented reform以市场为导向的改革
market potential市场潜力
macroeconomic stimuli宏观经济刺激
medium-term fiscal stability中期财政可持续性
new phase of development发展新阶段
non-profit organization非营利性组织
office 办事处
out of poverty脱贫;脱离贫困
pension and insurance 退休金和保险
pension fund退休金基金
product innovation产品创新
quantitative ease量化宽松
retirement account退休账户
soaring commodity prices 飞涨的商品价格
state owned enterprise国有企业
strategic partners 战略合作伙伴
stock market股票市场
submit applications to提交申请
sustained economic growth可持续经济增长
trade 贸易
world leading financial sector世界领先的金融组织
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师