TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Bringing the World Cup to Asia was supposed to expand the reach of the global game in a happy confluence of good will and good business. The action on the pitch has certainly been dramatic, and most fans were thrilled. But less than half way through the month-long tournament, the good will is already wearing thin —— and business seems relatively slow, with fewer visitors and Cup-related sales than expected. Deeply embarrassed by the image of part-empty stadiums besieged by angry ticket hunters, Japanese prime minister ordered an official investigation into the ticket fiasco. Claiming losses of more than $800,000 per game, Korea’s soccer federation even threatened to sue Byrom, the official ticket agent, for failing to print and deliver tickets on time.
Japan and Korea both hoped to score big points —— at home and abroad —— with the World Cup. Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’ development. Mired in a decade-long slump, Japan longs for anything that might shock its economy back to life. Korea, meanwhile, hopes the Cup will steady its halting recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis —— and help brand it as Asia’s most wired nation. Their plan: inject billions of dollars into new facilities, welcome throngs of tourists and for one glorious month showcase their countries to the biggest television audience in world history.
① Bringing the World Cup to Asia was supposed to expand the reach of the global game in a happy confluence of good will and good business.
译文:把世界杯带到亚洲 // 世界杯在亚洲举办,本应该是扩大这项全球性运动的影响力,把友谊和商业性欢乐地融合在一起。
考点: reach: range or scope of influence or effect.
goodwill: ⑴ good reputation of an established business 商誉;信誉
eg. The goodwill is being sold together with the shop.
⑵ friendly, cooperative or helpful feeling 友好精神;友善
具体译法:加字法: reach →影响力 business →商业性
转性译法:形容词→副词 happy →欢乐地
名词→动词 confluence →融合
② The action on the pitch has certainly been dramatic, and most fans were thrilled.
考点:pitch →足球、曲棍球的球场
转态译法:省略被动词: were thrilled→ 群情激奋
③ But less than half way through the month-long tournament, the good will is already wearing thin —— and business seems relatively slow, with fewer visitors and Cup-related sales than expected.
译文:但是持续一月之余的赛程未过半,友谊精神逐渐在消逝 // 打了折扣——商业推广不力 / 举步维艰,观光客和赛事相关销售比预期少。
考点: wear thin: ⑴ to be weakened or eroded gradually 慢慢被弱化或侵独
(课堂译) eg. Her patience is wearing thin. 她的耐心正慢慢失去。
⑵ to become less convincing, acceptable, or popular, as through repeated use:
(课堂译) eg. Don’t you think that joke’s wearing a bit thin?
具体译法:加字法: good will→ 友 谊精神 business→ 商业推广
比较级的翻译: fewer visitors and Cup-related sales than expected
④⑷ Deeply embarrassed by ⑵ the image of ⑴ part-empty stadiums besieged by angry ticket hunters, ⑶ Japanese prime minister ⑸ ordered an official investigation into the ticket fiasco.
译文:赛场内不少“虚位以待”,赛场外聚集着无数愤怒求票者。面对这幕景象,日本首相尴尬不已 / 局促不安,要求对如此惨淡票房进行官方调查。
修辞格的翻译:对照( contrast )起到讽刺的目的
赛场内 不少 “虚位以待”,赛场外聚集着无数愤怒求票者
增词译法:赛场内 赛场外
转态译法:省略被动词: deeply embarrassed by → 局促不安;尴尬不已
主被交换: besieged by →聚集着
embarrass (同): abash, shame, disconcert (使 … 仓皇失措) , discomfit, fluster, chagrin, mortify, confuse, confound, perplex, nonplus
besiege: ⑴ 拥挤在周围;包围住
(同): surround, encompass, blockade, invest, siege, beleaguer, crowd around, hem in
⑵ 如被询问纠缠或强求 eg.
Reporters besieged the winner for interviews.
(同): importune (对 … 胡搅蛮缠) , badger, solicit, entreat
⑶ 使感到丧气或焦虑 eg.
She was besieged by problems. 她为难题所困。
(同): beset, harass, plague, perplex, pester,
⑤ Claiming losses of more than $800,000 per game, Korea’s soccer federation even threatened to sue Byrom, the official ticket agent, for failing to print and deliver tickets on time.
译文:韩国足球协会声称每场比赛损失超过 800,000 美元,并甚至威胁要起诉官方票务代理商 / 公司 Byrom 未能及时出票和送票。
考点:分词短语的翻译:主语前置法: Claiming … , Korea’s soccer federation …
同位语的翻译:定语前置法: Byrom, the official ticket agent
正反译法: failing to → 未能(反译)
⑥⑵ Japan and Korea both hoped to ⑷ score big points —— ⑶ at home and abroad —— ⑴ with the World Cup.
译文:通过这次世界杯的举办,日韩两国都想在国内外 / 本国和国际上大展宏图一番。
增词译法:增加动词: with the World Cup → 通过这次世界杯的举办
score: to achieve a purpose or advantage, especially to make a surprising gain or coup
⑦ Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, (which were considered turning points in their nations’ development).
译文:追溯到 1964 年东京及 1988 年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。
考点:转性译法:名词 →动词 memories →追溯到
转态译法: which were considered →被视为
增词译法: which were considered →分别被视为
⑧ Mired in a decade-long slump, Japan longs for anything that might shock its economy back to life.
考点:分词短语的翻译:主语前置 + 连词法
具体译法:成语法: shock…back to life→ 使… 重整旗鼓
增词译法: anything→ 任何机会
⑨ Korea, meanwhile, hopes the Cup will steady its halting recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis —— and help brand it as Asia’s most wired nation.
译文:同时,韩国希望世界杯的举办能够使其从 1997 年金融危机的动荡中缓过劲来 // 平复 1997 年金融危机动荡,并树立亚洲最有活力国家的形象。
考点:转性译法:形容词 → 名词 halting →动荡
brand: to impress firmly; fix ineradicably 铭刻,铭记 eg.
Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.
⑩ Their plan: inject billions of dollars into new facilities, welcome throngs of tourists and for one glorious month showcase their countries to the biggest television audience in world history.
考点showcase: to display prominently, especially to advantage 突出地展示
转性译法:介词→动词 into→ 用于
增词译法: new facilities→ 新场馆设施建设
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师