台 湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分。我将一如既往地坚持“和平统一,一国两制”的基本方针,坚持****主席关于发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张,大力发展两岸经济、科技、文化等领域的交流与合作,增加人员往来,与台 湾同胞共同努力,坚决反对制造“台 湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”等分裂活动。
Taiwan is an inalienable part of the sacred territory of China. We will as always adhere to the basic principles of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems” and to the eight-point proposal put forward by President Jiang Zemin on developing cross-straits relations and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland. We will spare no efforts in expanding exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits in economic, scientific, technological and cultural areas and promote mutual visits of people. We will make joint efforts with our compatriots in Taiwan to firmly oppose any splittist activities aimed at achieving the “independence of Taiwan” or creating “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”.
我们希望台 湾当局以民族大义和台 湾人民的根本利益为重,采取行动,早日实现两岸直接通邮、通航、通商,并尽早回应我们发出的在一个中国的原则下两岸进行政治谈判的郑重呼吁。祖国统一是不可阻挡的历史潮流,台 湾问题是一定能够解决的。台 湾的前途系于祖国统一,分裂是没有出路的。我们相信,在海峡两岸全体中国人民和海外同胞的努力下,祖国完全统一,民族全面振兴的共同愿望一定能够实现。
We hope that the Taiwan authorities take into consideration the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the fundamental interests of the people in Taiwan, take concrete steps for the early establishment of direct links of postal, air and shipping services and trade between the two sides and that they respond as early as possible to our solemn appeal that the two sides conduct political negotiations under the principle of one China. The reunification of the motherland is an irreversible historical trend. The Taiwan question will surely be resolved. Taiwan’s future hinges on the reunification of the motherland, and to split the country is no way out. We are convinced that with the concerted efforts for all Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and our overseas compatriots, the common aspiration for the complete reunification of the motherland and the all-round rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will certainly be realized.
口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题
笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题
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