A California toddler is the youngest American to join Mensa -- the oldest IQ society in the world.
Kashe Quest, now 3, joined the American branch of the organization on March 29, 2021, at age 2 with an IQ of 146, making her the youngest American member, Mensa confirmed to "Good Morning America."
"By 18 months, she had mastered pretty much the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes ... and then that's when we started noticing this is pretty advanced for her age," Sukhjit Athwal, Kashe's mom, told "GMA." "So we spoke1 with the pediatrician and she was like, 'Just continue documenting.'"
With a background in child education, Athwal has learning resources readily available around her family's home, but never pushed Kashe in any particular direction.
"The way we've implemented2 her learning is we've never really forced her to sit down and do anything -- it was out of her natural curiosity," she said.
According to her parents, Kashe memorized the 50 states by shape and location and could name all of the elements on the periodic table by the time she was 2 years old.
"That's when we were encouraged to explore our options in terms of getting her tested," Athwal said. "It's pretty amazing what she's doing at this point in time and how fast she's grasping concepts."
To qualify for Mensa membership, applicants3 must take an approved intelligence test and score at or above the 98th percentile. "It was working on receptive memory, cognitive4 skills and logical reasoning," Athwal said.
口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题
笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题
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