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来源:考试网   2020-08-24【

  1. 国际贫困标准 international poverty line

  2. 中国现行贫困标准 China's current poverty line

  3. 全国居民人均可支配收Personal per capita disposable income

  4. 农村贫困人口people living in poverty in rural areas

  5. 易地扶贫搬迁人口people relocated from inhospitable areas

  6. 棚户区住房 homes in rundown urban areas

  7. 农村危房 dilapidated rural houses

  8. 生活水平living standards

  9. 脱贫攻坚fight against poverty

  10. 贫困发生率the poverty headcount ratio/the incidence of poverty

  11. 个人所得税起征点The threshold for individual income tax

  12. 专项附加扣除special additional deduction

  13. 强基础、增后劲、惠民生

  strengthen the economic foundation, enhance sustainability, and improve people’s lives

  14. 人民为中心 people-centered development philosophy

  15. 精准扶贫精准脱贫targeted poverty reduction and alleviation

  16. 中央统筹、省负总责、市县抓落实的工作机制

  working mechanism with central government responsible for overall planning, provincial-level governments assuming overall responsibility, and city and county governments responsible for program implementation.

  17. 农村贫困人口rural residents living in poverty

  18. 集中连片特困地区contiguous areas of extreme poverty

  19. 劳务输出the domestic and overseas export of labor

  20. 增强自我发展能力building the self-development capacity

  21. 扶贫协作机制mechanisms for coordinating poverty reduction

  22. 脱贫攻坚责任制The system for ensuring responsibility is taken for poverty elimination

  23. 评估考核evaluations and assessment

  24. 民生 wellbeing of the people

  25. 三年棚改攻坚计划three-year renovation plan to address housing in rundown urban areas

  26. 公租房 public-rental housing units

  27. 破旧泥草房、土坯房、树皮房等危房 dilapidated houses built of such materials as beaten earth, and timber and bark

  28. 符合条件的新就业无房职工 eligible houseless first-time workers

  29. 住房租赁市场housing rental market

  30. 共有产权住房 shared ownership housing

  31. 三大攻坚战 the three critical battles

  32. 结构性去杠杆structural deleveraging

  33. 脱贫 shake off poverty

  34. 数字脱贫manipulation of numbers in poverty elimination work

  35. 开发式扶贫development-oriented poverty alleviation

  36. 完善各项保障制度来保障基本生活guarantee their basic standards of living by improving various assurance programs

  37. 增加养老服务供给increase the supply of elderly care services

  38. 增强医疗服务的便利性raise the accessibility of medical services

  39. 边远地区far-flung areas

  40. 贫富差距 the gap between the rich and the poor

  41. 温饱 Adequate food and clothing






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