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来源:考试网   2019-10-11【

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  non-alignment 不结盟

  insurmountable difficulty 不可克服的困难

  inequality 不平等

  unremitting efforts 不懈的努力

  undertake concrete step 采取具体步骤

  gap 距离

  attempt 尝试

  dynamism 充满活力

  lofty cause 崇高的事业

  grand ideal 崇高理想

  address differences 处理分歧

  shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交

  break down barriers 打破障碍

  unilateral 单边的

  unilateralism 单边主义

  Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 邓小平外交思想

  underestimate; underestimation 低估

  regional conflicts 地方矛盾

  regional disparity 地区差异

  regional turmoil (conflicts) 地区动乱(冲突)

  independent foreign policy of peace 独立自主的和平外交政策

  principles of independence 独立自主原则

  holiday-making diplomacy 度假外交

  opponent; rival 对手

  external work 对外工作

  multilateral diplomatic activities 多变外交

  multilateralism 多变政策

  global village 地球村

  multi-polarization 多极化

  multipolar times 多极时代

  multipolar world 多极世界

  multi-polarity 多极性

  prosperity 繁荣

  flourish 繁荣昌盛

  imitation 仿效

  division of responsibilities 分工

  splittist activities 分裂活动

  issues of difference 分歧

  veto right 否决权

  a complex and volatile international situation 复杂多变的国际形势

  complication 复杂化

  complexity 复杂性

  ameliorate 改善,改进

  high-level and all-directional dialogue 高层次、全方位的对话

  summit(forum) 高峰论坛

  senior officials 高级官员

  estrangement 隔阂

  well-being of all nations 各国人民的福祉

  proclamation 公告

  fairness 公平

  justice 公正,正义

  consensus 共识

  all-win 共赢

  the transitional period 过渡期

  head of state 国家元首

  state-to-state 国与国

  go overboard 过分

  the legitimate rights and interests 合法权益

  cooperative relationship 合作关系

  harmonious relationship 和睦关系

  peace 和平





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