1882 年中国第一盏电灯在上海点亮,这使得中国逐渐告别了油灯和蜡烛照明的历史,当时使用的电灯就是白炽灯,这一用就是 130 年,中国也成为白炽灯的生产和消费大国。早在 1996 年,中国就启动实施了“绿色照明工程”,中国绿色照明工程的实施,推动了照明电器行业结构的优化升级和产品质量的整体提升,经过多年努力,中国节能灯产品质量水平日益提高,一些企业产品质量和工艺水平已达到世界领先水平。高效照明产品及技术的日益成熟为逐步淘汰白炽灯提供了重要保障。
中国节能灯的全球市场占有率由 1996 年的 20%提高到 2010 年的 85%。即使遇到丰收年景,对中国来说,要用世界百分之七的耕地养活全球五分之一的人口仍是一项艰巨的任务。
In 1882, China‟s first-ever electric light made its debut in Shanghai, heralding/ushering in a new era when kerosene lamps and illuminating candles as light sources were phased out/were made a thing of the past/were consigned to history. Back then, the one and only electric light source available in China was the incandescent lamp, a device that has been prevalent/dominant in China‟s illumination space/scene/field for 130 years. As such, China has emerged as a leading producer and consumer of incandescents in the world.
China kick-started/initiated/launched the program of “green lighting” /embarked on a campaign encouraging people to go green in lighting as back as (in) 1996. The environment-friendly/eco-sensitive/responsible move/endeavor has served to upgrade the mix of China‟s lighting industry and elevate the overall quality of lighting products. Thanks to years of strong commitments, energy-saving/energy-efficient lamps made in China have moved up the value chain in both quality and workmanship, with some ranking among the best in the world. The ever-improving products and technologies for energy-efficient lighting have made it possible to phase out energy-intensive incandescents in the country./put an end to …
In 2010, 85% of energy-saving lamps available on the global market were made in China, as against merely 20% back in 1996. China‟s global market share in the energy-saving light space surged from a to b between 1996 and 2010.
In 2010, China accounted for 85% of global supply of energy-saving lamps, a surge from 20% in 1996.
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