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来源:考试网   2018-04-06【



  Just east of Argentina‟s Andean foothills, an oil field called the Vaca Muerta — “dead cow” in English — has finally come to life.

  In May, the Argentine oil company YPF announced that it had found 150 million barrels of oil in the Patagonian field, and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner rushed onto national television to praise the discovery as something that could give new impetus to the country‟s long-stagnant economy.

  “The importance of this discovery goes well beyond the volume,” said Sebastián Eskenazi, YPF‟s chief executive, as he announced the find. “The important thing is it is something new: new energy, a new future, new expectations.”

  Although there are significant hurdles, geologists say that the Vaca Muerta is a harbinger of a possible major expansion of global petroleum supplies over the next two decades as the industry uses advanced techniques to extract oil from shale and other tightly packed rocks.Oil experts caution that geologists have only just begun to study shale fields in much of the world, and thus can only guess at their potential. Little seismic work has been completed, and core samples need to be retrieved from thousands of feet below the surface to judge how much oil or gas can be retrieved.

  Argentina certainly has high hopes for shale oil from the southern Patagonian province of Neuquén. The 150 million barrels of recoverable shale oil found in the Vaca Muerta represents an increase of 8 percent in Argentina‟s reserves, and the find was the biggest discovery of oil in the country since the late 1980s. Oil experts say the Vaca Muerta is probably just a start for Argentina, long a middle-ranked oil producer. Mr. Lynch noted that YPF had explored only 100 square miles out of 5,000 square miles in the whole shale deposit, and other oil companies working in the area had not announced any discoveries yet.

  So far, nearly all of the oil exploration in the shale fields in Argentina and elsewhere has been pursued with traditional vertical wells. Plans are just beginning for horizontal drilling.

  Some experts caution that the fast advance of oil production from shale in the United States is no guarantee of similar successes abroad, at least not in the near future.


  就在阿根廷安第斯山麓东侧,一个名为瓦卡穆埃尔塔(Vaca Muerta)—英文意为“死在五月份,阿根廷石油公司 YPF 宣布在巴塔哥尼亚地区发现了储量为 1.5 亿桶的油

  田,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔迅即在国家电视台上进行宣传,称这一发现将会为阿长期陷入停滞的经济注入新的活力。YPF 公司首席执行官塞巴斯蒂安·埃斯肯纳齐在宣布这一重大发现时说,“这一发现的重大意义不仅仅在于油田储量巨大,还在于其全“新”性:新能源、新未来、新期待。”



  当然,阿根廷对于巴塔哥尼亚地区南部内乌肯省(Neuquén)的页岩油储量寄予厚望。瓦卡穆埃尔塔地区 1.5 亿桶的页岩油探明储量将使阿根廷的石油总储量增加 8%,同时该油田也是阿根廷自 20 世纪 80 年代末以来发现的最大油田。石油专家们称,瓦卡穆埃尔塔很可能为阿根廷拉开新的序幕。长期以来,阿根廷一直都是一个中等规模的产油国。林奇(Lynch)先生说,整个页岩油田面积达 5,000 平方英里,YPF 只是对其中的 100 平方英里进行了勘探,在此油田进行勘探的其他石油公司尚未公布勘探结果。到目前为止,在阿根廷以及其他国家的页岩油田进行的几乎所有勘探工作使用的都是传统竖井,有关水平钻井的方案才刚刚开始制定。


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