Qingdao Haiwan Bridge (also called Jiaozhou Bay Bridge) is a roadway bridge located in Qingdao of Shandong Province. It transects Jiaozhou Bay and connects the expressway from Qingdao to Lanzhou. Its begins in a primary urban district and ends in Huangdao district across a total length of 36.48 kilometers, making it the longest cross-sea bridge worldwide. On June 30th, 2011, the bridge was opened to traffic. In 2011, the bridge was added to the Guinness Book of World Records and has been given the title of "The World’s Greatest Bridge" by Forbes Magazine.
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师