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来源:考试网   2018-01-27【

  商品过剩 glut of goods

  商品化 commercialization

  商品货币 commodity money

  商品交易 commodity transaction

  商品交易所 commodity exchange(center)

  商品经济 commodity economy

  商品条码 bar code

  商品销路 commodity outlet

  上山下乡 (of educated urban youth) go and work in the countryside or mountain areas

  上市 to be listed 上市公司 listed companies

  伤 停 “休 养 ” lay-off (Chinese hurdler Liu X iang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition in style by finishing second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix here on Sunday. 中国跨栏选手、前奥运会和世界冠军刘翔在周日的上海国际田径黄金大奖赛上完美复出,获得了亚军。)

  上网 to get on the Internet, surf the net

  商务代表 commercial or trade representative

  商务旅游 business travel

  上新台阶 reach a new level; reach a higher stage of development

  商业报价 commercial offer

  商业保险资金 commercial insurance funds

  商业炒作 commercial speculation

  商业存在(服务贸易) commercial presence

  商业贷款 commercial loan

  商业道德 business ethics

  商业动向 business trend

  商业发票 commercial invoice

  商业间谍活动 industrial espionage (The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery, and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years.


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
  • 职业资格
  • 医药考试
  • 外语考试
  • 学历考试