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来源:考试网   2014-06-30【


  保卫世界和平safeguard world peace

  保持力量平衡maintain a balance of power

  裁军会谈/谈判disarmament talks/negotiations

  中国驻莫斯科/俄国大使馆the Chinese Embassy to Moscow/in Russia

  中国驻日本/东京大使the Chinese Ambassador to Japan/in Tokyo

  美国驻上海领事馆办理学生申请签证事宜The American Consulate in Shanghai deals with students’ visa applications

  总理应邀对日本进行过失访问/正式访问The Premier paid a state visit/an official visit to Japan on invitation

  在机场检阅仪仗队review the guard of honour at the airport

  举行宴会/招待会招待贵宾give a banquet/a reception in honor of the distinguished guests

  与该国签订友好与互不侵犯条约sign/conclude a treaty of friendship and mutual non-aggression with that country

  签署交换留学生 / 科技合作协议sign an agreement on exchange of students/on scientific and technical cooperation

  条约将与7月5日生效The treaty will come into force/take effect on July 5th

  促进共同繁荣和发展 to promote common prosperity and development

  用和平方式解决争端 to settle/resolve disputes by peaceful means

  通过外交途径进行谈判 to negotiate through diplomatic channels

  不结盟 non-alignment

  不对抗 non-confrontation

  不针对第三国 non-targeting at any third country

  和睦相处 to live/coexist with each other in harmony

  求同存异 seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences

  民族意识/国家尊严 national identity/dignity

  实行全方位的对外开放政策 carry out an all—dimensional opening up policy

  承担作为一个发展中国家应承担的义务 ready to undertake the obligations as a developing country

  享受应当享受的权利 enjoy the rights one deserves

  发展睦邻友好关系 to develop good-neighborly friendship

  促进南北对话 to promote North-south dialogue

  发展南南合作 to enhance South-South cooperation

  减轻债务负担 to reduce/cut back debt burdens

  放宽技术转让条件 to reduce/ease restrictions on technology transfer

责编:stone 评论 纠错


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