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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年2月11日 ]



  暑期将至, 同学们应该有很多计划和打算吧。请以My plan for summer vacation为题, 把你的打算和愿望都写出来吧!Best wishes for you all! Wish you have a wonderful holiday!


  My plan for summer vacation

  Summer vacation is coming. I think I’ll have a busy vacation. In June, I plan to practise the violin every morning. You know practice makes perfect. I will have many lessons and take part in a concert. Then every afternoon, I will spend some time doing my homework and playing with my friends. But I will spend most of my free time watching TV. In July, my parents will take me to Australia. It must be relaxing and interesting.

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