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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月21日 ]


  Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park! The Grand Canyon is famous as a wonder of the natural world, and it  31  is. Here are some tips for enjoying the Grand Canyon.

  ●  32  on the paths. Don’t stand on the edge of the cliff (悬崖) for a better  33 . We saw people doing this! Don’t run around in dangerous areas.

  ● Bring enough  34 . The Grand Canyon has a very dry climate, especially in summer. You will drink  35  than you can possibly imagine (想象).

  ● Wear the right shoes.  36  you’re going to walk any distance on the Rim Trail, you’d better wear closed-toe (不露趾的) shoes.

  ● Weather. During July and August, storms can  37 .

  The South Rim is open all year round, and in winter and early spring, bring more clothes to stay  38 .

  ● Don’t feed the animals. Some animals here are really lovely and they are not  39  humans (人类), but don’t feed them. Some animals can bite if you get too close. Human food is bad for many of the animals.  40  may die! So let the animals feed themselves.

  ( )31. A. hardly B. already

  C. really D. almost

  ( )32. A. Jump B. Stay 

  C. Work D. Dance

  ( )33. A. life B. reason

  C. look D. trip

  ( )34. A. water B. food

  C. clothes D. money

  ( )35. A. more carefully B. more

  C. more slowly D. better

  ( )36. A. Although B. So

  C. Because D. If

  ( )37. A. come up B. take off

  C. go away D. look out

  ( )38. A. awake B. warm

  C. happy D. safe

  ( )39. A. afraid of B. interested in

  C. angry with D. proud of

  ( )40. A. You B. It C. We D. They

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