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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2014年12月16日 ]


  本片短文所叙述的故事发生在过去(一年以前),因此,都用一般过去时,答案为:1. died2. left 3. spent4. bought5. went6. stayed7. listened8. lent9. kept10. lost

  [阅读理解]1. D2. B3. A4. C5. D

  1. 根据原文“Kate and her brother Bob went out to play”部分, 答案为D.

  2. 根据原文“and we can see fish in the river”, 因此,答案为B

  3. 根据原文“The children were standing in the middle of the bridge” 部分以及接着一句“A train is coming”, 答案为A.

  4. 根据原文“She had to lie down between the tracks” 部分,答案为C.

  5. 根据原文“She was angry because they went on the bridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.” 部分---妈妈即生气又高兴,答案应该为D.


  Out class had a picnic last Saturday. We went to West Hill by bike. We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill. First we had our picnic lunch. After lunch we sang and dance happily. Then we began to climb the hill. We saw many beautiful flowers, heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits. We had a wonderful time.

  I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy.


  1. Why not 之后的动词不带to。

  Why not go there by bus?


  2. had better (not) 之后不定式(宾语补足语)不带to。

  You’d better (not) eat some fruit.


  3. help 之后的不定式(宾语补足语)带不带to都可。

  He often helps his mother do some housework.


  4. 感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel等之后的不定式(宾语补足语)不带to。

  I noticed the boys get on the bus.


  5. 使役动词let, make, have等之后(宾补)不带to。

  If you wear jeans, the teacher won’t let you get into the classroom.

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