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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年5月18日 ]



  Yosemite National Park is one of the most famous national parks in America and it is a place of extremes (极端条件) . It has not only high mountains but also valleys. 38. _____ There are thirteen waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosetime Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth.

  Up in the mountains are clear lakes, fast-moving rivers and huge rocks. One huge rock is called Half Dome. It rises more than 2,700 meters into the air.

  More than 60 kinds of animals live in the park. Deer are very common. 39. _____ They aren’t afraid of humans. You might even see a large black bear. More than 200 kinds of birds live in Yosetime.

  In a place called the Mariposa Grove, visitors can see some of the largest, tallest and oldest living things on Earth. These are the huge Sequoia Trees. One of these trees is called Grizzly Giant. 40. _____ One tree is almost 90 meters tall. Another is more than 10 meters around. The huge trees can make visitors feel quite small.

  Whenever visitors come to Yosetime, they exerience great natural beauty. 41. _____ Most people who come to Yosetime usually bring a camera. They take many pictures of the huge rocks, the beautiful Yosetime Valley, the waterfalls and the huge trees.

  But you do not really need a photograph to remember its natural beauty. Yosetime will leave its image (影像) in your memory forever.

A. It is more than 1.800 years old.

B. Water from high in the mountains falls in many places to the green valleys far below.

C. It is preserved and protected for all people to enjoy.

D. You can see them almost everywhere.

E. A visit to the park provides lasting memories of what nature has produced.

F. People come from all over the world to climb one of the huge rock formations (岩层) at Yosetime.

  Iv. 情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


  Jenny: Hello, Nancy. What are you looking at?

  Nancy: 42. _____ I am planning to travel, so they sent me these to cheer me up.

  Jenny: That’s nice. Look, this postcard is from Beijing. 43. _____

  Nancy: Yeah, I’m sure it is. But Linda says it’s tiring to travel around the city.

  Jenny: 44._____

  Nancy: Let’s see. That’s from Peter. He went to London last summer and went inside Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England lives.

  Jenny: Oh, it would be fantastic.

  Nancy: And this is a postcard of Bali Island. Paul was there last week. He says it’s very peaceful.

  Jenny: 45._____

  Nancy: Um...this one. It’s from Disneyland. It’s so exciting. I’d really love to go.

  Jenny: 46. _____ Maybe it could be a graduation (毕业) present for you next year.

  Nancy: Yes. You are right. I’ll try.

A. Just some postcards from friends.

B. Why not talk about it with your parents?

C. Where’s this one from?

D. How did he go there?

E. That’s a very interesting place to visit.

F. Of all, which postcard do you like best?

G. Who is he?



  V. 完形填空(二)(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

  A. 用方框内所给的词的适当形式填空。(每次限用一次,有一个为多余选项)

twelve     they     improve    stop      careful    help

  47. Although they are very young, they can live on _____ own.

  48. It is a pity that his foot problem _____ him from completing the Games.

  49. If you are a little _____, it would be better.

  50. Could you tell me the _____ month of the year?

  51. The girl wants to join the English Club _____ her English.

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