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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年9月26日 ]


  一、 1~5 BCACA 6~10 CACCB 11~15 CABCB

  二、 16~20CDCBC 21~25DDADD

  三、 26~30ACBDA 31~35BCCBD 36~40ADADB

  四、 41~45ABDBD 46~50CDBBA 51~55DCBAA

  五、 56. mine 57. by 58. clear 59. lying 60. prefers

  61. cleverest 62. sheep 63. each 64. worn 65. ninth

  六、66. France / Quiberon 67.6,400km 68. Cape Cod 69. 20 August 70. 71


  One day, Mrs Zhang was ill, so she asked her students to study by themselves. She wrote “Please learn by yourselves quietly” on the blackboard and before she left. When class began, some poor students were very happy and excited. They played and talked noisily, but to good students, it was hard to study, so they complained. Just than, another teacher, Mrs Li happened to pass by, when she saw this, she scolded the poor students seriously. She said:” To be quite in classroom is the most important.” Then she left. The students now all studied quietly by themselves. We should keep quite in class whether there is a teacher or not.

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