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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2017年3月21日 ]


  66.Pandas are much-loved around the world. Unluckily, there aren’t many pandas left and they’re

  now. So we must save them. (2016山西)

  A. in order B. in danger C. in need

  67.---How was your life in England?

  ---Quite different from here. , people there drink tea with milk. (2016山西)

  A. In my opinion B. To my surprise C. At the beginning

  68.---Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?

  ---My father did that . He didn’t want anybody else’s help. (2016湖北鄂州-)

  A.in fact B. in person C. in total D. in disagreement

  69.He left school and began work twelve. (2016广西南宁)

  A.at the age of B.at the beginning of C.at the top of D.at the bottom of

  70.---It is reported that many wild animals in the world are because of human behavior.

  ---We must do something to stop people from hunting and selling these animals. (2016深圳)

  A.in danger B.in public C.in silence

  71.Jim sits behind me, so I sit him. (2016黑龙江绥化)

  A.at the end of B.in front of C.in the middle of


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