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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2017年3月13日 ]


  1.There are some __C__ in Dayton Art Museum.For example,no food or drinks is allowed inside.(2014,温州)

  A.jobs   B.records C.rules  D.paintings

  2.The old man can't hear us well because there's something wrong with his __C__.(2014,淮安)

  A.mouth B.nose C.ears D.eyes

  3.—It's reported that many Chinese children are taking piano lessons.

  —But quite a few have little __A__ in it and some even hate it.(2014,宜昌)

  A.interest B.relation

  C.attention D.situation

  4.—Will you fix up the machine according to the __A__,David?

  —No problem.(2014,武汉)

  A.instructions B.inventions

  C.invitations D.interviews

  5.—The picnic is only in three days.Have you made any __B__?(2014,台州)

  —Not yet.So let's discuss what to prepare.

  A.wishes B.plans C.mistakes D.friends

  6.—Lily,could you please pass me the __D__?I want to cut the apple.

  —Sure,here you are.(2014,重庆A)

  A.pen B.pencil C.book D.knife

  7.—After PE,I often feel very thirsty.(2014,台州)

  —Why not buy some __C__ to drink?

  A.bread B.noodles

  C.apple juice D.teas

  8.Where has the time gone is a beautiful __N__.Can you sing it?(2014,盐城)

  A.picture B.song C.game D.film

  9.—Whose __C__ are there?

  —I think they are John's.(2014,永州)

  A.key B.keies C.keys D.the key

  10.__A__ that pair of ________ a little cheaper?(2014,齐齐哈尔)

  A.Is;glasses B.Is;glass

  C.Are;glasses D.Are;glass

  11.—How many __C__ has the child had?

  —Only four in the front.(2014,恩施)

  A.ears B.tooth C.teeth D.tooths

  12.—What would you like to say to your __A__ before leaving school?

  —I'd like to say “Thank you very much!I've learnt a lot from you in the past three years.”(2014,十堰)

  A.teachers B.workers C.doctors D.engineers

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