人工智能是托福雅思考试喜欢考察的一个话题, 不论是剑5的文章,还是许多题目中涉及到的AI,所以今天我们就为大家提供了一些相关的信息,为大家的阅读提供一个背景资料。
Aritifical intelligence:人工智能
economic theory:经济理论
People do not always act how economists assume they behave, but a computer controlled agent could act how economists assume people behave, if programmed to do so, in which case all rules of economic theory would work.
This means three things. First, the behavior of artificial intelligence(人工智能) agents that behave under the assumptions(假设) made in economic theory can be predicted by economic theory. Second, one can test how well artificial intelligence agents do the things economists assume people do. Thirdly, artificial intelligence agents that behave under the assumptions made in economic theory can be used to do calculations of math relating to economic theory.
Of course, one must wonder why this is important. It is good to be able to predict what a group of AI agents will do. It is also good to be able to use this information in order to test how well the agents work. The final fact is particularly interesting however. We can do relatively hard math problems relatively quickly using artificial intelligence agents. By quickly, I mean the Big-O of the program is polynomial as opposed to exponential. There are many math problems out there that the best algorithms known take exponential time. This method allows us to get fairly exact answers in polynomial time.
The question arises if this is really doing math. The answer to this question is not that simple. At the very least, the end result will be a very good approximation. Economists make up a bunch of rules the same way mathematicians do, and they often provide some kind of backing of these rules the same way mathematicians prove their statements. So, if we were to create a model that followed all the assumptions of economics, then we would be doing math. Many assumptions leave room for gray area, however. Economists often make statements that assume enough time or a large enough population. Of course, it is difficult to say how much is enough. So, many people would consider these methods to result in approximations, but these approximations are not only going to be as accurate as anyone would need, but they will also be done relatively quickly.