Reverend Jessie Johnson
Reverend Jessie Johnson is a revival minister. Hetravels from town to town holding*vigorous religiousmeetings in tents with the* intention of reviving thesouls of those who attend. His sermons are oftenfilled with rhetoric that vergeson the ridiculous, yet people do not revolt, nor do they ridicule himbecause the rigorous religious principles laid out inhis sermons are tempered by rhythmical gyrationsthat the congregation finds inspirational. This is asample from one of his sermons:
"My fellow brethren and sisteren, I have come here to pose a riddle of life. The time is ripe foreach one of us to answer this *riddle. Are you gonnarifle across the *ridge of the tops of themountains of life, or are you gonna rip open a big rift in the earth and ride on the rim of thegullies? Do I hear an amen?"
"Amen?" replied the *congregation.
The Reverend shot his hands in the air, wiggled his bum, and gave a "woa!"
"It's time for everyone here to rinse his soul in the blood so that the fruit of your spirit may *ripen in the sunshine of the Lord. Do I hear an amen?"
"Amen?" replied the congregation.
The reverend flapped his arms like a chicken and turned around three times saying, "Praise theLord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
"There ain't no risk involved. There ain't nothin' risky. You don't have to worry about no *spiritual rigor or* rigidity. All you got to do is say YES! Do I hear a YES?"
"Yes!" replied the congregation.
"Do I hear a YES?"
"Yes!" The congregation, now with all the *fervor of a riot, was waving their arms inexcitement.
The Reverend, pleased with the revitalization, did a back flip off the stage, and, dancing to the rhythm of the music, passed around the offering plate, saying "Open up them rigid wallets ofyours and give your money to the Lord. Give it all now, you hear. Don't be stingy with theLord. If you're stingy with the Lord, the Lord's gonna be stingy with you."