The soloist and the solicitor
There was a singer who had retired to a life on thefarm. She had been a soloist for the big city operaand had been very famous, but she grew tired of thecity life and decided that she needed a change. Now, she spent her days in the soybean field sowing seeds. She enjoyed the solitude of the fields, and itsoothed her to sing solos as she worked.
One day, a solicitor appeared on the farm to solicit soluble soybean seeds. He said that thesesoluble soybeans were the solution to her problems as they would increase her profits andsolidify her business. She said that she had tried them before and she found them somewhatsour. He had heard her singing and recognized who she was. He commented that she was avery sophisticated lady and that working on a farm does not carry anysophistication, and heasked her why she didn't return to the city. She said that she had no feeling of solidarity withcity folk and that she enjoyed her solitary life on the farm. She said that she had the sovereignright to her lifestyle and that his comments were an insult to her sovereignty. She told himsolidly that he could furthermore get his solicitous butt off her property. The solicitor was alittle angry and very disappointed. Nevertheless, he felt it a privilege to meet such a famoussinger and left her some of his soybeans as a souvenir.
That night as she prepared for bed, she sang another solo as she found it soporific. She didn'tneed soundproof walls because there was on one around to hear her.