1. 语速问题
2. 连读问题
(1) 关键性词语出现连读:否定形式
l not at all:The meeting yesterday wasn’t at all boring.
(2) 常用性词语出现连读
l for him
(1) 辅音+元音连读
l I was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stride.
l Not at all.
l Rush hour.
l This dictionary is not exactly what I wanted but it will do.
l Travel agency, travel agent
(2) 辅音+辅音连读
l Some money, bike key
(3) 元音+元音连读
l Be on time
l An apple a day keeps the doctor away
(4) H连读
l I lent him a book.
l Larry is taking a lot of art, isn’t he?
l The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped.
l I must have left my keys at my sister’s house.
l She learned to use the computer on her own.
(5) 其他特殊连读
l 【t】+【j】=【ch】:meet you, hurt you, that your
l 【d】+【j】=【dg】:would you, hand your, did you
l 【s】+【j】=【sh】:miss you, this year
l 【z】+【j】=【g】:as usual, because you
l Example: won’t you, don’t you, didn’t you, haven’t you, hadn’t you, wouldn’t you, weren’t you, last year, next year, not yet, did you, had you, would you, I advice you, I use your, how’s your